
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Lancashire Games' 1859 French Infantry

Returning to one of my favorite lines of figures today.  That is, Lancashire Games' 1859 15mm range.  Solid figures with good anatomical proportions, easy to paint, and not too expensive.  A combination I enjoy!  
Off the painting desk is a French Line Regiment consisting of 3 x 12 battalions.  These 36 figures muster out as the 5th Ligne as the French contingent in the 1859 project gets some attention.  While 2017 saw only a handful of units cross the painting desk for this project, a return to a 15mm focus has me ramping up the production line to push our more figures for 1859.
Expect more to come from the 1859 project in the months ahead.


  1. Beautiful details on 15mm! Love them.

  2. Very nice, I like the dampened down red. Lancashire Games have a nicely proportioned figure here (as you say, a good price too), Interesting to compare to the direction that the company have taken with chunkier 18's. I picked up a bag of 18's at their stall at a show last year and the weight of the bag was most noticeable.

    1. Thanks, Norm. Which range of LG's 18mm figures did you sample? I received some of the Napoleon in Egypt range and they are, indeed, chunky. I prefer the 15mm sculpting to the sculpting on the new 18mm lines.

    2. The ACW line. Didn’t buy, just handled them, but was surprised by the weight of the pack.

    3. I, too, was surprised by the heft of the NiE figures. Quite chunky little buggers.

  3. That is an impressive group, but let me just think of the comment you left on my blog the other day...oh yes something about a painting machine...well I have to say Jonathan you have achieved machine status.

    1. Thank you, Mark! As for output, your painting machine is turbo-charged!

  4. Great looking french line! I'd be interested to see more of this period, the end of elegance before we end up in khaki and grey!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain!

      You can expect to see more from this period, for sure!

  5. I can’t keep up with the speed of your posts and painting. You’re a machine! I imagine there must be continuous packages arriving at your door full of miniatures to keep up the supply of lead. 😀

    Nice job on these as well. 😀

    1. Much appreciated, Stew!

      While there tends to be slow stream of lead into the house, I have a HUGE pile of unpainted lead that I am trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to draw down.

  6. Very nice Jonathan...

    I do like the French uniforms from this period.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! For uniforms, this period is one of my favorites too.

  7. Another quality unit! The French uniforms of the period are fantastic.

  8. The Risorgimento is a very tempting period and you are so often the Devil on my shoulder...

  9. Love those colorful uniforms. A very fine looking unit Jonathan.

  10. Are you also ramping up some corresponding interest in a scenario?

    1. I always have interest in scenarios! Enough French are in place now to add them into the San Martino scenario that I gamed several years back. I have a long way to go to put on Solferino but maybe Magenta is close? I will check.

  11. When you feel ready I am game. I still have many Russians to go for Zorndorf, so some interim stuff might be fun.

    1. Keep a slot open in May for a big Albuera game in 15mm.

  12. Great looking regiment, Jon.
    Vive l' France!
