
Saturday, March 24, 2018

1799 IR#43 Austrian Line

Continued focus on the 1799 project with the completion of the third battalion of IR#43 Thurn.  Figures are AB Miniatures.  Since battalions #1 and #2 both wore helmets when they mustered off the painting desk, I put battalion #3 in helmet too. 
If Rivoli is to see the table in late 2018, I ought to consider the task of developing an Order of Battle.  While I created an OB years ago when I fielded Rivoli, more recent scholarly work may require some modifications.  If nothing else, the gathering and reconciliation will be an interesting exercise.  Units already mustered out could be checked off.  Those needing recruitment could be tracked with their progress monitored.  By my count, 25 Austrian battalions are ready for action.


  1. Inspiring period and beautiful job!

  2. Lovely looking Austrians, really nice in their helmets, great detail on these 18mm figures!
    Best Iain

  3. That is one fine looking unit Jonathan. I particularly like the mounted officer.

  4. Replies
    1. Much appreciated, Ray! You survived the painting challenge?

  5. A fine looking battalion of whitecoats, Jon. An OOB would seem wise to guide the painting strategy for this project, yes indeed,

    1. Thanks, Peter! Having fought Rivoli many years ago, An OOB lays about somewhere. The trick is to confirm that it contains the most up to date research.

  6. Beautiful looking battalion Jonathan.
    It will be great to see Rivoli played out.

    1. Thank you, James! It will be great to refight Rivoli too!

  7. Great looking Austrians in white and Raupenhelm!

  8. Nice job! I've always found these white uniforms very difficult to paint, I only painted one austrian fusilier these past ten years, difficult, really.

    1. Thank you, Phil! For me, painting white is made easier by an application of stain as the last step.

  9. I like the helmets especially. Nice work. I am looking forward to Rivoli if you are looking for someone to push lead?

    1. Thanks! You are always welcome at my table to push lead! Since I did not know have long it would take to paint enough French in bicorn and Austrians in casquet, I gave myself until Q4 to host Rivoli or another early battle. I need to put together an OB and see how far I need to travel before Rivoli OB is set.

      Don't forget my big Q2 game is a planned revisit of Albuera around first of June.

  10. Great job! Every time I look at that period
    something tells me, it about time to try some...
    Keep me inspired :)

  11. 25 battalions is no small number! These look great. 😀

  12. Very nicely done as usual Jonathan.
