
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Levy Spearmen for Samurai Battles

Still a few more figures remain in The Lead Pile for the 15mm Feudal Japan project.  With this stand of nineteen figures mustering out from the painting desk, only a few odds and ends linger in inventory.  Not sure if enough figures remain to put together one more stand.  Maybe enough for one more teppo stand but I must confirm.  Figures are Peter Pig.
The primary objective of the recent parade of newly minted Japanese across the painting desk was to finish off a project.  Yeah, like that ever happens!  The secondary goal was to get the collection back into gaming rotation with some experimental rules using a grid-based method.  Still awaiting that to bubble to the top of my hobby queue too. 
Anyway, the backlog of completed units awaiting their turn at the photo booth are stacking up like cord wood in anticipation of winter's arrival.  As for winter, it has definitely settled back into the Pacific Northwest with more rounds of snow-laden winter storms.  The white stuff is piling up outside as I hammer out this entry. 

If you are following the Montcalm & Wolfe Campaign, expect results on the Battle of Fort Oswego from Peter soon.  Pop over to Peter's blog (Battle of Fort Oswego Setup) to see the battle set up.  It looks great!


  1. Great looking figures Jonathan. Love the basing.

  2. Replies
    1. Not sure the Mon but must have seen it somewhere. Either that or I made it up!

  3. Interesting subject, tried researching it myself but bot confused very quickly! Lovely looking unit.

    1. Thanks, Matt! Very good to see you back at the painting desk. Enjoy seeing your FPW project.

  4. Very nice Jonathon. I remember having a Feudal Japanese army in 15 mm many years ago and having too few games with them at the time. I wish I hadn’t moved them on.

    1. Thank you, Carlo! While my collection does not see action too often, one day it will!

  5. Another nice little unit , would definately be good to get them on the table afte the effort of getting them painted😀

  6. More great looking troops Jonathan. When we we see a samurai battle?

  7. My favorite parts of your Japanese units are the flags they carry. So distinctive and pretty.

    1. Colorful banners are what bring a Feudal Japanese army to life. Unfortunately, these levy troops have few banners.

      Thanks for your comments, Stew!

  8. Another nice addition. With the pile of suitable unpainted figures on hand nearing exhaustion, surely a game must be afoot before too long?!

    1. I hope so! Jake and I have mentioned on many occasions that it is high time to get our Japanese collections out onto the table.

  9. Nice looking Japanese foot, project finished, really?
    Best Iain

  10. I leave the North America for a few days and you guys have to call winter back in for another round?

    Anyway, nice looking groups. You can use them as "peasant" stands from the expansion for Samurai Battles quite readily. As for the other figures, let me know if you are a few figures short. I have a handful of Peter Pig Ashigaru of various types laying around.

    1. Welcome back! Yes, Winter returned after you left. I may have a few left overs. I will look.

  11. It's another nice addition to a beautiful collection, Jon.

    1. Thank you, Scott! One more unit about to depart the painting desk.

  12. Great additions to your growing Sengoku collection, Jonathan.
