
Friday, January 12, 2018

Old Glory Swiss/Italian Crossbowmen

Off the painting desk today is a nine-figure Impetvs 'T' stand of missile troops.  Figures are from Old Glory and muster out as a band of Swiss crossbowmen.
In Impetvs lists, there is always room to squeeze in another unit of crossbowmen.  Good thing, that!  Two more such nine-figures bands remain in The Lead Pile.
Having battled the flu for more than two weeks, the painting production line seems to have stagnated.  Still working on figures at the painting desk but getting these figures to the basing and flocking stage has been a sluggish process at best.  Cold outside temperatures have not helped.

On a brighter note, the first Friday Night At The Fights of 2018 kicks off this evening with a rematch at Mollwitz.  As I take command of the Austrian Army under von Neipperg, let me see if I have learned any lessons taught in Game #1.  The first Mollwitz game was closer than it looked.  Can von Neipperg break Frederick's army before his own is broken?  Stay tuned.   


  1. An unusual degree of character, fluidity and sense of movement for typical crossbow figures. I like that, it makes them look rather lively, no doubt helped by colourful uniforms.

    1. Old Glory figures are well-known for their exuberant animation. Some like them; others do not.

  2. That is a nice looking unit Jonathan, but I can't help thinking that with all those feathers in their hats there must have been a lot of nervous chickens in Europe at the time.

    Hope the flu departs soon. You need to be in warmer climes to get rid of it...10:35 at night here and the temperature in the house is still 28 C.

    1. Thanks, Mark!

      A warmer clime may be just the ticket. Shoveled snow both yesterday and today. Luckily, a trip to the Yucatan is on the horizon.

  3. Great looking crossbow men! Lovely finish on them, I really should get some landsknecht crossbow men hmm!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! I think you should get some Landsknecht crossbowmen.

  4. Great work, and a lovely choice of colours.

    I hope you get over the flu soon: I'm not sure whether it is just advancing age, but it seems me that it gets worse every year.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      This year's round of flu seems particularly devastating. I hear hospitals are full of patients with flu.

  5. I really like these Old Glory figures. They must be Swiss, as the slashing etc is fairly subdued! :-)

    Kick the Flu!
    Kick the Prussians!

    (To Jake)
    Kick the Austrians!

    1. Peter, you cannot sit on the fence cheering on both, can you?

      I like Old Glory figures too but some are a bit more animated than I prefer. The price is always great. Perhaps that is why the figures are so animated?

    2. "Buy me! I'm a cheap date!" :-)

      Of course I can sit on the fence with two friends playing. With Mollwitz, it's likely to be sequential kicking anyway... Austrian Cavalry kicks Prussian Cavalry, Prussian Infantry kicks Austrian infantry. It's more a question of who kicks what the hardest! :-)

    3. No question as to whom got kicked harder in this one!

  6. Nice unit of Xbows Jonathon. I've had mixed luck with OG figures, but those turned out really nicely.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I shall your "hit or miss" observation with OG too.

  7. Glad to see such a beautiful and colorful unit, well done!

  8. Excellent colors on these fine looking figures, Jonathan. This OG range is indeed one of their best.

  9. Enjoy the fight tonight! I'm glad you're on the mend.

    1. Yeah, I am on the mend. Not well but better.

      Think of tonight's battle as a warm-up to Sunday's contest. You are welcome to stop by tonight if you have time.

    2. Thanks for the invite, but I am busy with the family. I have some Hawaiian ribs just about ready to plate!

  10. Here's a comment from DeanM that did not make it to the blog. Why? I have no idea why it shows up in gmail but not posted here...

    DeanM has left a new comment on your post "Old Glory Swiss/Italian Crossbowmen":

    Excellent colors on these fine looking figures, Jonathan. This OG range is indeed one of their best.

  11. I agree, the Old Glory line has some excellent dynamic poses and it definitely helps animate this unit.

    1. I bet we all have our favorite Old Glory 25mm ranges. Top of my list would be Spanish-American War and the Italian Wars. French & Indian War range is pretty good too.

    2. I haven't looked at the F&I range. The SAW figures are definitely up there as well.

    3. I really like the English Civil War range. Austin's Sikh Wars figures were probably the best Old Glory sculpts I have seen.

    4. I would have enjoyed the ECW range if I had not already built my ECW project using the LARGE figures of Redoubt and Renegade.

      Sikhs Wars is a good one too!

  12. That's one fine looking unit Jonathan!


  13. The look good Jonathan, a nice choice of colours on them.

  14. Excellent work Jonathan. Very colorful and full of character. Uniforms from this period are always extravagant.

    1. Thanks, Rod! It a period identified by outlandish costumes and color, no doubt.

  15. Lovely colours on these. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I find Old Glory a bit "hit and miss" - these are definitely hits though!

    1. I find Old Glory are Hit and Miss as well. I didn't care for the 28mm 2nd Edition Napoleonics at all.

    2. To my viewing, the 2nd edition are pretty much Sash and Saber figures (which I like in limited amounts). Since they never expanded the range after the initial release, there's little incentive to use them.

    3. That is interesting, Peter. I like Sash & Saber Napoleonics and ACW but not the OG 2nd Edition. I suppose of my armies were exclusively OG2, I would be fine with that but the OG2 seem scrawny to my eye.

      I do wish S&S would have continued their Napoleonics range. Their guns are my favorites although their cavalry on on the smaller end of the 25mm spectrum.

  16. Nice crosssbow men even though they’re not Normans. 😀 You’re output is outstanding!

    1. Thanks! There are a few Normans in the painting queue; just not crossbowmen.
