
Monday, January 29, 2018

Archers for 16th Century Japan

Another BMU for the Samurai Battles project musters off the painting desk.  This time, a 19 figure stand of archers is added to the roster.  As before, figures are 15mm Peter Pig.  Note that the archers carry no sashimono.  Peter Pig catalog classifies these archers as Levy Ashigaru.  
Looking back in the Painting Log, this project has reached 37 BMUs including a small handful of command stands.  Having grown much larger than originally anticipated (really, much, much larger) and with less than a dozen packs left in inventory, time to consider winding down the "Build" phase of the project.  One 2018 goal targeted painting the remaining figures in The Lead Pile.  That goal certainly looks achievable. 
Figures for at least three more BMUs remain to muster.


  1. Nice work Jonathan. You are really making some headwayy with this project.

    1. Thank you, Mark! At present, the Feudal Japanese are seeing a regular rotation at the painting desk.

  2. looking fantastic Jonathan!
    I am always impressed by such little ones!

  3. Great work on these archers! Winding down a project? Surely not!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      Winding down a project is rare, indeed. Could this be one of those events? Quite possibly since the size of the collection has grown much, much beyond my expectations.

      We will see. Still a few figures remain in The Lead Pile.

  4. You must be reaching a point where the rules just can\t justify more units. That's too bad, because your Japanese are some of the more striking troops you have painted.

    1. Scott, you must adhere to the “sane” approach to project development. How many collections do I have now where the number of units under arms cannot be justified? I have lost count...

    2. And thanks for your kind words about the Japanese figures.

  5. I can see some really nice and interesting samurai battles coming out of this collection.

    1. I hope so! Still pondering what to do besides Samurai Battles. I like the notion of using Impetvs but on a grid too. Perhaps TF-ON might be a useful engine to consider?

  6. Good looking group. I have not really added to my 15mm collection after I realized that I have more than enough units to play both sides of each scenario in Samurai Battles. (including subbing out one entire side with Sohei) You can make up for that feeling by branching out into another scale. Have you considered painting 28mm Samurai?

    1. We seem to be both in a similar situation with the exception that I doubt I will pursue Samurai in 28mm.

  7. They really look sharp Jonathan. And congrats on making a solid dent in this project for 2018!

    1. Thanks! A little focus helps reduce The Lead Pile on this project.

  8. Very nice unit, jon. It would seem this project is nearing the end of the Painting phase and needs to progress to more playing phase. These guys would also work with To the Strongest! as well...

    1. Thanks, Peter. To the Stongest is still on my list of rules to try. Is there an Army List for Feudal Japan?

  9. Very nice bows, Jonathan. The large unit banners more than make up for individual sashimono IMO.

    1. Thanks, Dean. Even a few banners scattered within a unit adds a lot.
