
Friday, December 15, 2017

Great Italian Wars Swiss Pike Block

Fielding a large pike block of 39 figures is a big undertaking.  An undertaking I do not tackle lightly.  Though once completed, I never regret the time spent.  The sight of a Renaissance pike block on the gaming table is a sight to behold.  Since these lads will see service as either Swiss or Italians, I need to figure out a suitable banner or two.  For now, they muster out bannerless.  
These 39 figures, distributed across three Impetvs-sized bases of thirteen figures each, are all Old Glory 28mm figures.  Having a number of Old Glory figures from this range, I continue to maintain that this is one of Old Glory's finest 28mm lines.  This block is a mix of armored and unarmored pikemen.  I know I make this claim for Old Glory's Spanish-American War range too.  Both ranges are excellent and continue to remain my favorites among Old Glory's massive diversity of figure lines.     
What is next for the project?  In the painting queue are a handful of Old Glory Swiss/Italian crossbowmen for a stand or two of 'T' classed missile troops.  


  1. Very nice. I hope you get a big box of Elastoplast bandages this Christmas for all those accidental pike-to-hand stabbings in the coming years!

    1. Thanks, Roy! Bandages for the hands are a good idea as is not leaning too far over the table!

  2. A lovely block, just needing some dramatic banners.You are right this range is amongst Old Glory's best. Personally I think their Eastern European renaissance types are the best, but it is subjective. Well done again.

    1. Much appreciated, Robbie!

      I have yet to see OG's Eastern European Renaissance figures. Perhaps I should give the a look?

      "Banners? We don't need no stinking banners!"

      When I find something suitable, I with flag the unit.

  3. beautiful figures beautiful figures and paintwork as usual. You remain tremendously productive well done 😀

  4. Oh what a lovely sight, but surely not enough photos considering there's so many of them?!Lovely figures and delightful painting, I've got 108 of these chaps undercoated, can't wait to start painting them!
    Best Iain

    1. You are very kind, Iain! Thought you might enjoy these given that you are working on a batch yourself.

      When the unit is awarded its banners, I will photograph them again.

  5. Lovely looking block. I'm never sure with OG, never sure what you're getting and I am always ordering blind.

    Pike men look great, but Iain';s right we need more pics!

  6. Most impressive and beautiful pikes Jon!

  7. Thst is truly impressive Jonathan! Is that a single base?

    1. Hard to avoid making 36 pikemen an impressive sight, right? The figures are on three bases each 120mm x 60mm.

      Glad you like the pike block!

  8. Great looking regiment Jonathan and does make me want to start my own Italian wars project!


    1. Thanks! When you do begin your project, the results will be fab, no doubt!

  9. I received the following comment from Peter but somehow it did not publish. Very strange...

    Peter Douglas has left a new comment on your post "Great Italian Wars Swiss Pike Block":

    Lovely looking block. I'm never sure with OG, never sure what you're getting and I am always ordering blind.

    Pike men look great, but Iain's right we need more pics!

    1. Thanks, Peter! Yes, Old Glory are sometimes hit and miss. I find more hits than misses, though.

  10. I'm sure it was a real pain to base these guys, but there's no doubt that a pike block is really striking! Well done!

    1. Basing Old Glory 25s is easy since OG has large bases. Glad you like the result, Rod!

  11. A pike block like this must surely be one of the most impressive sights on the wargamers table.

  12. Marvelous Pike block, Jon. You are so right; they are a pain to paint, but once they are done they are a fantastic sight! The Italin Wars range is indeed one of Old Glory's best, and their Eastern Renaissance range is excellent, too. Joe has a large Ottoman and Polish army using these figures, and they are glorious. For that matter, the bulk of my Hussite figures come from that range.

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! I do need to get on with flagging all of these pike blocks at some point.

      Your Hussite army is a fine one, indeed!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Really great stuff Jonathan. They are definitely some of Old GLorys nicer figures and you have really done them justice. A great and very useful addition to your Italian Wars collection!

    1. Thanks, Oli!

      While I cannot produce figures up to your beautiful standard, for me, they do. A handful of Old Glory crossbowmen are on the painting desk now.

  14. Nicely done and I like the selection of colours, especially the red you have used here.

  15. Most impressive indeed, Jonathan! Yes, I've seen these OG figure before, and have to agree they are quite good sculpts and poses. You've brought the best out of a great range.

  16. Lovely work and selection of colours! :)

  17. Another missing post, this time from Dean...

    DeanM has left a new comment on your post "Great Italian Wars Swiss Pike Block":

    Most impressive indeed, Jonathan! Yes, I've seen these OG figure before, and have to agree they are quite good sculpts and poses. You've brought the best out of a great range.

    1. Dean, thanks so much for the kind words! I wonder why your post never was published?

      Very strange.
