
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ashigaru Yari in 15mm

As promised, a second unit of spear-wielding Ashigaru departs the painting desk.  These 21 figures are Peter Pig like all of the 15mm figures in this project.  Rarely, it seems, that a project is exclusively comprised of one manufacturer.  The 15mm Samurai Battles collection is one such project.
This two-hex stand augments an existing clan which I designate as the "Running Man" clan.  While I tend to build clans or brigades in a set composition of elements, I have found in games using Samurai Battles that more yari are needed than the default two units I field per brigade.  
One note on the seemingly odd stand arrangement.  My co-conspirator and motivator for this project uses a four inch grid for his Samurai Battle games, I wanted units having a four-inch width so that my units maintained the same frontage as his.  Since I use a two-inch hex grid for some of my other gaming projects, two 50mm hexes are joined to form the BMU shown here.  In Samurai Battles and Impetvs, number of figures per stand are not important, so the number of figures per stand is based on my notion of what looks good.   
A BMU having a double hex base allows one of my stands to take up two hexes on the hex game mat providing a more linear look to the game.  This arrangement also allows the possibility of introducing flanks and Zones of Control into the rules being considered. 

With a couple of units freshly mustered off the painting desk, motivation is high to get the collection into battle.  I wonder how long this urge will last?    


  1. Good solution to the 2" v 4" hex situation.

    I have stared at these for quite a while, they have such a strong visual impact, no doubt helped by the white flag against the dark pole, but the contrast of the highlight blue against a black basecoat is also very eye catching. Did you build that up in blue layers or was white put down first? The more you look at it, the more intricate it becomes.

    1. Hi Norm, as always you have a discerning eye and encouraging comments.

      The blue over black is just that; a base coat of black with impressionistic blue highlights.

      thanks for your kind comments!

  2. Looking really great in 15mm scale JonathaN!

  3. More Samurai goodness is always welcome! Well done Jonathan!


    1. Glad you like seeing another unit of Feudal Japanese off the painting desk!

  4. This has to be one of your best looking armies, Jon. I love the color.

    Hats off to your steady hand in painting those Japanese characters on the banners!

    1. Scott, you are very kind! The various banners and lacquered armor does provide a pleasing visual impact when the armies are out on the table for battle.

      With your affinity to Command & Colors, one day we should introduce you to Samurai Battles.

      I think you would enjoy it very much.

  5. More lovely looking ashigaru, they look great! Battle soon?
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain!

      I sure would enjoy getting this collection onto the gaming table again soon. In fact, I have been considering a little solo play with Impetvs on Grid.

  6. They look beautiful, impressive details Jonathan...

  7. Very impressive, Jonathan. They look great.

    1. Thanks, Dean! No match for your fine armor but for my game table, these will do.

  8. Clever use of hexes and solving the dilemma of making two collections compatible.

    Looks nice too! Samurai style miniatures always have a certain flare.

    1. With a myriad of banners, Feudal Japan battles are a visual treat. I appreciate your confirmation of my basing scheme.

  9. Very nice Jonathan. The two hex base looks great. If it had been two separate hexes you would lose some continuity.

    1. Much appreciated, Mark!

      I agree that two bases joined on one spline are better than two separate bases.

  10. You have caught the eye of TANGO01 over on the TMP site.


    1. Well spotted, Norm!

      I get Tangoed on a semi-regular frequency. Before these Japanese, the recently completed Swiss pike block caught his attention. Never know what will catch his eye. Some units I think are really good, he misses. Others I am less found of get Tangoed.

      My Assyrians are frequently targets as are my Napoleonics.

  11. Excellent as always. Everytime I see see these Peter Pig models, it makes me want to replace all my older ones.

    1. Thanks! The Peter Pig Samurai range is a good one. It has lots of charm and relatively easy to paint and field.

  12. Another fine unit. I have some Peter Pig Parthians in the pile somewhere, and this is motivating me to get stuck into them.

  13. Great job Jonathan. Love the "running man" clan, that was a good laugh.
