
Friday, December 22, 2017

Ashigaru Yari in 15mm

It has been a very long time since any 15mm Feudal Japanese figures have passed across the painting desk.  Better late than never, right?  The collection has not seen any tabletop action in an even longer period of time.  What motivated me to push these into the painting queue now?  I really cannot say.  The packs caught my eye on a recent rummage through The Lead Pile.  Often that is the only trigger needed to snap into action.  
Off the painting desk is the first of two Ashigaru spear units.  Figures are from Peter Pig's excellent Feudal Japan Samurai range.  Like most of the Samurai and Ashigaru figures from Peter Pig, the sashimono is cast onto the figure.  A detail I quite like.  No fiddling around to attach a banner to figure.  Even with a simple and stylistic clan emblem, the figures stand out on the gaming table. 
While the figures have not seen action on the gaming table recently, I enjoyed games using both Samurai Battles and Impetvs with the armies mustered.  Using Impetvs, both gridded and non-gridded versions have been tried.  Modifying Impetvs to work on a grid produced intriguing results using simple mechanisms to convert from non-grid to grid.  I am reconsidering the gridded approach and working to codify some of the mechanisms developed and tried during those playtests.  My game notes, thus far, have proven elusive.  Perhaps if the figures get back onto the grid, it may all come back.   


  1. neat little a neat little unit. I have always strayed away from grids but it is a broad church this hobby of ours. Interesting to see a game in action.🤔

    1. A grid can be your friend, Matt. Yes, I ought to get the troops back out onto the grid for a game. Perhaps in the New Year?

  2. Quite striking effect. Well done, as per your excellent standard. Seeing samurai, I'm also impressed at the range of your interests and collections.

    1. Very much appreciated, Ed! A large number of periods, interests, and collections does have drawbacks.

  3. What a gift - to be able to use so much of that shade of blue within the unit, it is very striking.

  4. Impressive job on the blue shades!

    1. That shade of blue is one of my favorites.
      Thank you, Phil!

  5. Yes it has been a while since the Samurai appeared on your pages Jonathan. Nice looking unit.

  6. Ah, a very nice looking unit. Glad to see the samurai getting some attention!

    1. Thanks! I am glad to see the project getting attention too!

  7. A very handsome unit, Jon. An incentive perhaps for the collection to stretch their legs on the tabletop in the near future.
    I think gridded boards are particularly well suited to the Ancient/Medieval ear, and Naval warfare.

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! Another motivator is seeing Jake getting his collection out on the table for a series of father-son battles.

  8. While I love boardgames I'm not sure how I'll take to playing miniature games on a grid. Rommel will be the big test. I never thought about how Impetus would work, but I can see the potential. Interesting.

    I have some 1/72nd scale Samurai to do and hope to take inspiration from this post of yours displaying your fine work.

    1. There are some aspects of gaming that are enhanced by playing on a grid. I look forward to following your Rommel exploits. I also await seeing your results of your Samurai project. Have you decided upon a set of rules? Samurai Battles is great fun. Impetvs is good too.

  9. Good stuff Jon! Mason and I were playing a few games last night with my 15mm collection. It prompted me to finally finish a Command tent model. Definitely an enjoyable game, and one we should get on the table again in 2018.

    1. Thanks, Jake! You read my mind as I put almost the same comment on your Samurai Battles blog posting!

  10. Great work on these. I was never much of a fan of gridded games, apart from ancient naval, but am coming around to the idea.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      Gridded games have a place at my gaming table. They certainly can speed up any activity requiring measuring and discussions over millimeters, angles of attack, range, etc. are eliminated. I find gridded games tend to play more quickly. Both gridded and non-gridded have advantages and disadvantages as well as proponents and opponents. I enjoy both!

  11. Nice unit, samurai is on the list, one day! Lovely colours nicely done , I guess to the strongest is a grid game and I'm considering giving it a go so maybe I will like grids?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I have yet to try TtS. That is on my list of games to try one day too.
