
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

More Moors

Dipping into the well again to pull up another unit of Moors for the Reconquista project.  The well is not yet dry although I am beginning to see the bottom.
As mentioned several times in the past, these BTD Warriors of Islam figures are some of my favorite poses in the range.  The standing pose with grounded spear is much preferred to the soldier advancing with spear.  Great facial characteristics and they all look quite serious and mean business.
Really, I have lost count of the number of similar stands that have mustered off the painting desk.  There must be at least a half-dozen units in exactly this pose.  A quick check of the Painting Log shows six units.
A quick reconciliation of the Painting Log with the Palouse Wargaming Journal suggests that the project has not been out on the parade ground for four years.  Many Reconquista units have crossed over to the painted side of the ledger in the past four years.  Perhaps the Reconquista collection ought to get a parade ground review?  I bet the size of this project surprises me when deployed out on the gaming table for review.  The gallery ought to get an update too with all new photos.


  1. Another fine addition for the table!

  2. Moors the merrier, as they say (sort of).

    Looking forward to seeing it all laid out. Though I only hope that once you see it in all it's splendour it isn't a case of you feeling Moor-ish, and decide it needs to be even larger with lots more troops.

    I'll stop now, lest more bad puns emerge.

    1. "Moors" the merrier, indeed! I always feel the need for Moor...

  3. Awesome shields and great job, they look superb!

  4. There is a lot of variety in there. I think this is one of my favourites to have come off the painting table recently .... did you enjoy doing them?

    1. Variety adds interest to the unit, I think. As I noted, these are some of my favorite sculpts in the range. The faces all have such interesting character.

      Did I enjoy painting them? Of course! After fiddlying with a WWI aircraft model, these are a relaxing treat.

  5. Great looking figures, Jonathan. And, yes, please have the troops fall in for review.

    1. Much appreciated, Dean!

      A review is under consideration but my table is inundated at present and a complete mess. Two games on the table and stacks of hobby detritus everywhere.

  6. Would definitely like to see these guys on parade...nice job

    1. Thanks! I would enjoy seeing them all ranked up too.

  7. Lovely characterful figures and painting! It would be great to see all the force.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Some of my favorite figures, no doubt.

  8. Another great looking unit and yes, it would be good to see everything in review.

    Cheers, Ross

  9. Lovely work and those shields look very nice. A parade ground review would be great - it's always a bit of effort getting everything out and then packing it up again, but it helps to visually catalogue what you have.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence.

      You are correct about the effort about pulling everything from storage boxes and lining them up only to be gathered and stored away.

      A parade review does provide a sense of how far the madness has advanced, though. In boxes, it looks like not so much.

    2. I like the comment about the madness. I suppose we can take solace in the fact that insanity is only a state of mind.

  10. I really like these, Jon. I would say a tabletop outing would suit them well... perhaps with To the Strongest? :-)

    1. Thanks, Peter! I have been wanting to give TtS a try but Impetvs may be a more likely candidate for the Reconquista. Do Army Lists exist for the Reconquista period?

  11. Lovely! I have some of these same figures. I will have to refer back to this page when I finally get around to finishing them off!

    1. Hi Tim! Great figures that deserve a coat of paint. I look forward to seeing your work on them.

  12. Fantastic Jonathan. I love the variety of shields"

  13. I really like these - I am guessing the could be used all the way up until the conquest of Granada by the Spanish in the 1490s?

    1. Thanks for dropping by Oli!

      Yes, these figures could be used over a wide range of time up to and including the fall of Granada.

  14. That's some lovely work Jonathan! Very inspiring.
