
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

An Assyrian Summer: A Pass-in-Review

While the Assyrian Army is still in the "build" stage, it has reached a logical place for holding a Pass-in-Review.  Since the beginning of summer, a number of units for this project have crossed over the painting desk.  A number of units is an understatement.  Before the summer began, only the chariots and two heavy infantry units could muster out for the project.  The two heavy infantry units only deployed in late April of this year. The nine chariots all experienced refurbishing, rebasing (twice!), and augmentation with infantry support during the summer months.  Sometimes, the project seemed to dominate my efforts to the exclusion of all else.  Looking back at the Painting Log, that was not the case but it sure seemed like it.
On display are 34 units that comprise the Assyrian Army in its current state.  By figure counts, the Army contains, 9 chariots with riders and teams, 26 horse, and 226 foot.  A good sized army in any Rules List.  Geared towards Impetvs, perhaps even two armies could be built from the collection on display.  Three manufacturers are found in the Assyrian ranks including Wargames Foundry, Newline Designs, and Black Tree Designs.
Having longed for a Biblical Army for several years, it is rewarding to see that quest realized.  The next step is to get the collection into action on the gaming table.
Arrayed out on the table, the Assyrians provide an inviting spectacle.  As mentioned in an earlier post, nearly four feet of chariots make up the battle line.  Even given the current state of the project, many figures remain in The Lead Pile from which to draw more potential units.  Yes, I likely over bought but restraint is difficult. 
While this post provides a grand overview of the units thus far in the collection, the header bar now carries a 25mm Assyrian Wars Gallery so that the individual units can be viewed.  Units will be added into the gallery as they are completed.  Perhaps a 2018 goal should be to build (up-to-date) galleries for some of my other collections?  Getting the 28mm Napoleonic Peninsular War project into a separate gallery would be a good start. 


  1. Simply spectacular! And, there are more behind the curtain? Wow.

  2. Fantastic and beautiful. Well done!

  3. They look fantastic Jonathon - more than ready to come down like a wolf on the fold.

    1. Thank you, Peter! My expectation is that the Assyrians will act just as you state. Unfortunately, under my command, that may not be possible.

  4. Wow! I never noticed the header bar. What a great way to catalog your collection.

    1. Dan, many of the Galleries in the header bar have been left to languish and are out of date. I ought to remedy that situation.

  5. I'll have to check out the gallery (what a good idea!). As far as the Assyrians, Wow: quite imposing, and well done! Achievements like this are rarely the product of that will-0-wisp notion of "restraint" :)

    1. Ed, your support and encouragements helped get this project where it is today. You all have been great motivators.

      As for restraint, well, when it comes to the hobby, I do have a modicum of it.

  6. "Tremble, mine enemies, as you hear the thunder of my chariots, see the sky darkened by the arrows of my archers, and feel bite of my spears. For I am beloved of Ashur..."

    Marvelous army, Jon!

    1. Peter, that is a rousing pre-battle speech! My Assyrians are now ready to take the field.

  7. Impressive and awesome, as an Assyrian army should be. Well done, Jonathan!

  8. Replies
    1. Scott, you are very kind! Does this display give an urge to build your own Biblical army?

  9. Absolutely fabulous Jonathan. What a collection!

  10. Wonderful and spectacular. The fruits of hard work and a disciplined output. Some fantastic quality gaming time is on the horizon.

    1. Much appreciated, Norm!

      Painting discipline with small batch/time efforts pays off with relatively quick results.

      As for gaming opportunities with the Assyrians, a game by year-end, I hope!

  11. Spectacular and very impressive, good luck to your ennemies!

    1. Good luck to my enemies? Phil! You should be supporting the might of Assyria!

      Merci beaucoup!

  12. That is very impressive - and still not completed!

  13. Wow! Great looking army Jonathan!! I want one! I like the galleries as well and will need to take a closer look soon.


    1. Thank you, Christopher!

      I see you recently picked up a large ECW army or too. I bet you could find an Assyrian Army as well.

  14. Brilliant looking army, the product of lots of hard work! Well done!
    Best Iain

    1. Very kind of you, Iain!

      An Assyrian Army in 120 days is not bad.

  15. Inspirational! My Sea Peoples were eyeing me sadly just last night from their pile in the unpainted box. This is a fine army.

    1. Thanks, Christopher! Hopefully, your Sea Peoples will get the attention they seek!

  16. Congratulations Jon! Beautiful work, and a whole lot of it!

  17. Excellent looking army Jonathan!

  18. An impressive array. Congratulations on a project well conceived and executed.

    Cheers, Ross

  19. Splendid work Jonathan and well worth the long hours you have put in. If you didn't need live several 1000's of miles away I would be inviting the Assyrians over for a battle. I will have to content myself with watching them from a distance...😀

    1. Thank you, Matt! Too bad we are so distant. Lugging heavy boxes of lead across the USA and the Atlantic is a major hurdle to overcome.

      If you are traveling to the Northwest USA let me know.

  20. A very impressive parade. I always love pictures such as these, and especially when the work is of such high quality.

    1. Lawrence, you are most kind! Glad you enjoyed the display.

  21. What a fantastic looking collection! All in all a very impressive display of project building, Jonathan.

    1. Nathan, it all came together quite easily. Wonder what the next project might be?

  22. Seriously impressive. I think you have me outnumbered 2:1 on units and 4:1 on figures. That's motivation.

    1. I bet you catch up! Well, Assyrians still continue a march across my painting desk.
