
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Chariot Rebasing Part III - The Final Four?

As I emerge from the darkness of the rebasing tunnel into the light of day, the final four Assyrian chariots roll off the workbench.  Each of these four chariots has been mounted onto a larger 120mm x 80mm base with the addition of three supporting infantry.  
With these war carts taking their place on the "Completed" side of the project ledger, nine such chariots can now be fielded in battle.  Nine, four-horse chariots!  That seems a lot. When positioned in line with base sides touching, the mass spans a width of almost four feet on the gaming table.  Four feet of chariots! That is a lot!  
The full Assyrian Army display is not far off now.  Still remaining to finish are a couple of heavy infantry stands and one more medium cavalry stand.  After that, a parade review is in order.  I had the collection out on the table this morning and it really has become a large force.  I hope it strikes fear into my opponents.
Oh, there are still many more Assyrians left in The Lead Pile.  After the three units mentioned above march off the painting desk, painting efforts ought to show a bit more diversity.  Other projects should see some work in the painting queue.  Enough figures are under arms in the Assyrian Army to put into the field a good sized force.  With that goal met, painting effort can be diverted to other projects.  I imagine Assyrians will maintain there presence in solid painting rotation.

What other projects are under consideration for reinforcements?  With a Great Game game planned for later in October, one more battalion of Russian infantry could be put to good use.  To that end, 24 Great War Miniatures' Crimean War Russians have lingered in The Lead Pile for about a year.  Time to give them a coat of paint.  Perhaps a unit or two for the Reconquista project could go into the queue too?  In the last Casting Room Miniatures' sale, I picked up enough Norman foot to field two stands of infantry.  Excellent looking sculpts that I look forward to putting to the brush.  Of course, lots of 18mm options for either the 1799, 1859, or SYW projects.  I should quit daydreaming about painting and get to it!    


  1. Spectacular additions, waiting for a report!

    1. Phil, a game with this army is still a few months away.

  2. The final frontier... certainly a little more space around each of those chariots with this scheme, and I think the table will look even more glorious for it!

    1. Aaron, this Assyrian Army will be an imposing sight, for sure.

  3. 4' wall of chariots ..... splendid!

    1. Well, a little under four feet of chariots but close enough! It does look imposing.

  4. Oh, I'd love to see the look on an unsuspecting opponent's face when they're met with 4' of heavy chariots! And then they glance beyond them and see all the infantry, too. I hope you, or somebody you play against, have a large enough enemy force?!

    1. My opponent has seen the boxes of figures. He will get a glimpse of the army on parade when everyone else does. My opponent is painting a large Egyptian army. Both on display will be a sight, for sure.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Whoops! Sorry Monty. I accidentally deleted your comment when reading on my mobile device.

      Your original comment is below:

    2. From Monty, clumsily deleted by moi!

      I adore this basing and can't wait to see it all out on a tabletop.
      The Assyrians just might bump Reconquista as my favorite project of yours!

    3. To get you to switch allegiance from the Reconquista project is a big step. Glad you like the Assyrians!

  6. Wonderful looking chariots and runners - the rebasing works well. All your recent Ancients posts are making me want to get my Mycenaeans out again - and hopefully get a Lion Rampant game in with them.

    1. Dean, you are very kind!

      As for your Mycenaeans, that sounds good getting them back onto the table.

      My compatriot in the Assyrian Wars project mentioned Friday night that he would enjoy a Trojan War project.

  7. Now I release that I really should get back to the Trojans. Great stuff here and thanks for the inspiration.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thank you, Ross! Glad to provide some inspiration. That is one reason to blog, right? That is, to provide and receive inspiration.

  8. Lovely looking chariots, no mention of the Italian wars in your paint que, you haven't finished them surely? !
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      With respect to the Italian Wars project, the project is not complete but it is in a good situation. I have a few guns and crew to paint but I have sufficient artillery for now; a pike block or two of Landsknechts await in The Lead Pile but I have enough of those fielded for now; most of the cavalry have been painted. I guess I am waiting for the army's first test in battle. After that, I will re-evaluate. I would enjoy painting more Italians, though but need command for the Old Glory pikemen I have.

      Say, you have not made your winning gift card selection...

  9. Four feet of chariots...I love that description! Also like how you ended your blog title with a question mark...does an army really ever end?

    1. Correction...that should read "blog post with a question mark..."

    2. Welcome back for Vietnam, Mark!

      You are quite right; is a project really EVER finished?

  10. Fantastic Chariots, even better with the basing upgrade. Between your many new units, and the additions I've made to the Egyptians et al, my Assyrians have been murmuring payers to Ishtar for a few new units themselves. We'll see! :-)

    1. Thank you, Peter!

      Assyrians have been mobilizing at a rapid rate from my workbench. Still a number of units to work through but I am just about to switch gears to another project for a diversion. Well, maybe not!

      I look forward to seeing you return to fielding Assyrians too! The Gods will thank you!

  11. I like the mix of slingers and Javelins for the runners, looks good. As for striking fear in your opposition, I can only say you have more heavy chariots than I have infantry units painted at this point.

    1. I like the mix of infantry support too.

      Once your chariot order arrives, you will have plenty of opposition for the Assyrians.

    2. Oh, and I have one Egyptian chariot that can be pressed into service for the Egyptian army.

  12. These are lovely. Looking forward to the big battle in the future!

    1. Thank you! I look forward to the initial battle too. I know my opponent is closing in on enough troops for a game too.
