
Friday, August 25, 2017

Egyptian Archers

Units for the Assyrian Wars project continue rolling out from the painting desk.  To add a bit of variety into the mix, off the workbench today is a nine-figure stand of Egyptian archers. 
Egyptian archers in my Assyrian Army?  Actually, yes.  Impetvs allows up to two stands of Egyptian archers in an Assyrian army.  Figures are from Black Tree Design and are quite well crafted. Detail is crisp and raised just enough for easy painting.  A few ugly mugs in the batch but chock that up to diversity.  Nice to push another manufacturer into the predominate Wargames Foundry foundation of Assyrians.

I picked up a few Egyptians with a recent BTD order for Assyrians just to see how they looked.  They look marvelous!  One advantage to fielding an Egyptian unit or two is that these troops can be added to augment an opponent's Egyptian force if fewer turn out than were called to arms.

Still a few more Assyrian units in the pipeline before my attention drifts to another project.


  1. The headgear color really adds a dimension to the otherwise simple scheme, and the the shading and highlighting elevates the look of the unit nicely.
    Well done.

    1. Yes, the blue helmets or caps bring some color to an otherwise monotone warrior. Glad you like them!

  2. Wonderful additions, top notch painting and basing...

  3. Nice looking archers Jonathon. I didn't know much about BTD until your recent posts, but like what I see. I like the idea of units that can fight on either side as the scenario requires too.

    Most Egyptian figures are sculpted for an earlier period than your Assyrians - do the clothing and arms still work?

    1. BTD make many wonderful ranges of figures from ancients to fantasy.

      You are quite right, Peter. These BTD figures are from NKE which would have been before the Kushite Egyptians. The arms certainly still are suitable and I am comfortable passing these NKE off as the later period. I know many follow the same pattern in order to extend the boundaries of their NKE armies. Proper Kushites are hard to find in 28mm altough archers and clubmen can be found in a number of ranges.

    2. I really hope they are acceptable for Kushites....

  4. Great looking archers, Jonathan. You and Jake are certainly in an arms race!

    1. Thank you, Dean! A little friendly competition always provides a boost to painting motivation and is quite fun too!

      Jake and I have had a number of such "arms' races" and it always succeeds in putting on the table quickly.

  5. Wow. I didn't know blue rinse hairstyles had been around for so long. You normally see them on ladies of a *ahem* older age, here in the UK. But if they wore them in Ancient Egypt, who am I to mock! :)

    Joking aside. They're looking good.

    1. Good one, Roy!

      The headgear are actually helmets that are woven to form a protective head covering.

    2. I take it that is battle protection, and not a shading device from the Sun?

      I'm full of cold virus, so I'm getting all these weird and wonderful imaginings of late.

    3. It could have been both for protection from sun and blows.

  6. Very nice. The blue really adds some color to the unit.

    1. Thank you, Rod! Yes, the blue does add a splash of color and adds some interest to the unit.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Greg! Been awhile since I have heard from you.

  8. Very nice, Jon! I am enjoying seeing both of your armies come to life!

    1. Thanks, Peter! I am hoping to see you weigh in on the debate of NKE as Kushites!

  9. Good looking group. I like the idea of using one color for the headgear. I have been trying different variations of color mixes without thinking of just trying a color other than white!

    1. Thank you! I read recently that blue was a common color for these headgear. I figured I would give blue a try.

  10. You are quite right, Jonathan, the do look marvelous! And such a mean looking bunch!

    1. Yeah, some of the figures have quite a knarly grimace.

  11. Lovely work and the expressions are really well done, by both BTD and yourself.

  12. Lovely looking archers, always useful to have multiple use units!
    Best Iain

    1. Fielding units with multiple purposes is a quick way to field two armies. I like when that is a possibility too!

      Iain, your support and encouragements are always appreciated!

  13. Fine looking unit. Really like the models but a bit too big to go well with Foundry early Biblical range,

    1. Thank you!

      I have not seen Foundry Egyptians but many of the Foundry and BTD foot figures match up well. The cavalry comparisons are a much different story.
