
Monday, August 14, 2017

Chaldean Auxiliary Archers

Work continues on the Assyrian project as another unit scrambles off the painting desk.  Following the recently mustered Chaldean slingers, a nine figure stand of Wargames Foundry Chaldean archers crosses over to the "Painted" side of the Painting Log.   
As expected from Foundry's Assyrian range, these archers are excellent sculpts with much facial character.  This batch, though, sported distinct mold lines on a few of the figures.  Some times, you do not notice that the mold line has not been completely removed until the figure is painted and photographed.
A long line of Assyrian units are either in work or awaiting in the painting queue.  The remainder of August may be entirely consumed with painting Assyrians.  Perhaps even four or five more units could be called up before Labor Day?  One concern is that I am rapidly outstripping my supply chain for bases.  I had hoped to hold off ordering until Litko's traditional Labor Day sale but I may not make it.  Regardless, I still plan to take advantage of Litko's Labor Day sale.


  1. Lovely looking archers, who would also do as Elamites I think I have a rather blood thirsty 54mm pair of maelstrom by new hope of an Elamite archer having his throat cut by an Assyrian! (taken from the Angus Mcbride illustration in Ospreys ancient armies )I hate late showing mould lines too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! The Foundry auxiliaries would would work a number of NE tribes or kingdoms.

      As for your vignette, have you painted it?

  2. Looking back through the posts in this year's blog archive you've completed quite the number of Assyrian units. Will there be a group photo any time, so we can enjoy the full fruit of your labours? [er, that's not a Labor Day pun, least none was intended - off now to Google what Labor Day actually is]

    1. I have completed a number of Assyrian units in 2017. Four units are in work now. When those four are finished, I will post a group photo.

      Labor Day in the USA is September 4.

  3. Very nice. Have to agree with Roy - a group photo would be good to see.

    1. Thank you, Dannoc! A group photo is on the To Do List once I finish off a few more units.

  4. they just keep coming......... excellent figures 😀😀we may need to see an army shot in progress .......

    1. They do keep coming...

      Army photo in a couple of weeks.

  5. Yet another fine looking unit Jonathan!


  6. Good reinforcements, Jon. You have indeed been churning out Assyrians like the Euphtrates in flood!
    (You can hold out for the sale - a little over 2 weeks!)

    1. "Churning out Assyrians like the Euphrates in flood." I love it, Peter!

  7. Superb, excellent job on these archers!

  8. Suitably biblical looking old chap.

  9. Very nice Jonathan! Nice and rugged. They look as if they've been on a hard march. I like it!

    1. Thanks, Rod! I think I may have gotten a bit heavy-handed with the stain on this batch.

  10. ...and the Assyrian Empire continues to expand...I think a full parade will be required soon Jonathan.

    1. Indeed, it continues to grow. Still more on the way. I will put together a group photo after I finish the five units in work.
