
Friday, June 30, 2017

Venetian Crossbowmen

Just slipping onto the "painted" side of the Painting Log before end of quarter is a nine figure stand of crosswbowmen.
With a red and white motif, this unit reminds me of Venice.  As such, they will likely see service as mercenaries in one of my Renaissance armies.  Perhaps a Venetian army capable of fighting on its own should be considered for the project?  I will investigate that possibility.
Figures are from The Assault Group (TAG) and are finely detailed sculpts.  Wonderful figures and fit in well with Foundry's Renaissance line.  How large has this project become?  Much larger than I originally envisioned. 
Having reached both end of quarter and the half-year mark, I pulled out the tally sheet and gave it a quick inspection.  The number of figures passing across the painting desk are down over the first half of 2017 but that is acceptable.  Opportunities at the gaming table have increased dramatically.  Still, more than 400 figures crossed over from The Lead Pile and into storage boxes. 

How do those 400+ figures break out for project and size?  That is for another post when I recount the first half painting analytics.


  1. Oh these are lovely, great looking sculpts and a great paint finish. Yes a venetian sounds a great idea, the beauty of this period is it's just a matter of changing flags! These TAG figures are lovely I might have to recruit some when I next need reinforcements!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, these TAG crossbowmen are outstanding sculpts. Fine detailing and the weapons are not oversized. I suggest you recruit some!

  2. Great figures, you could use them in the Borgia army, as they used red/ white for their livery. Well done.

    1. That is a great suggestion, Robbie! I am studying "The Prince" now.

  3. As usual another beautifully painted unit to add to the 400 plus figures you have completed, a magnificant effort.

  4. lovely work as always 😀 It is funny I have seen several people listing progress posts...which is fine everyone to their own. I remain determined to not keep a tally at all !

    1. Guilty as charged regarding making a list and accounting for what crosses my painting desk. The exercise helps keep some organization to the whole behemoth. Tally dally at your own risk.

  5. Another grand looking unit, Jonathan.

    1. Much appreciated, Mark!

      I just finished reading your half year wrap up. You are a machine!

  6. Great looking Venetians, Jonathan! You've tempted me to get a box of Perry Merc infantry! :)

  7. These TAG figures are super, Jon, and a nice match for the Perrys. The Venetians one attempt at native pikemen didn't end very well (Agnadello), but they continued the red/white theme in their dress. Venice's strength was of course their navy, trade, wealth, and diplomacy. That's part of how my Renaissance galley collection came about.

    1. Yeah, I like the TAG figures a lot! You always provide good information, Peter!

  8. A very fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  9. Renaissance projects always seem to grow out of control! Not a bad thing in my eyes

    1. ALL of my projects tend to grow out of control. Not bad in my eyes, either.
