
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

SYW Austrian Cuirassier Regiment Stampach

When the 18mm SYW project began in late 2006, the project plan for fielding cavalry regiments was to build four squadron regiments.  A few years later, I decided to bump up regimental strengths to six squadrons.  
To that end, the 5th and 6th squadrons of the Austrian Cuirassier Regiment #4 Stampach muster out from the painting desk.  Squadrons 1-4 were fielded in 2008.  Nine years have passed since this regiment last received reinforcements.  Nine years?  Shocking!  Had I not witnessed this in the Painting Log, I would not have believed my eyes.
The 18mm SYW project has not seen much activity on the painting desk lately.  In fact, the last reinforcements for the project were seen in January 2015.  That is a long hiatus.  Without getting the collection out onto the gaming table in a regular fashion and the number of competing projects, I suppose inactivity on this front is expected.
These two squadrons of six troopers each are all from Eureka's excellent range of SYW figures.  By last count, Austrian horse have now reached a total of 47 squadrons.  Forty-seven squadrons!  Slow and steady progress yields big results over time.  I imagine the Prussians have a similarly sized cavalry arm.


  1. They are superb Jonathan. I have always thought that Austrian cavalry make the beat looking units.

    1. Thank you, Mark. I agree with you. Austrian cavalry are sharply dressed.

  2. Lovely looking austrian heavies, you have so many armies you can't expect them all to be out and about regularly!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! A special thank you for reminding me that all of the projects, collections, and figures cannot all see action on the table at one time. nor should they. All are standing by to their turn on the gaming table in either a game or troop review.

  3. Good stuff. I always like the look the heavy cavalry. (2nd only to Uhlans in appearance in my book.)

    1. Thanks! Austrian uhlans are splendidly dressed but so are the Austrian hussars! They present a very colorful cavalry corps, those Austrians.

  4. As always, an outstanding looking unit! Fantastic work!

  5. They look superb, excellent job...and splendid uniform!

    1. Very kind, Phil! Have you ever seen a figure you did not like?

  6. The red and white together is very pleasant. They look great. That's a big cavalry army.
    What C18th rules do you use?

    1. Thanks, Michael!
      Yes, the cavalry arms has grown quite large. The whole SYW project has grown quite large!

      The latest two rules to see action on the gaming table were "Honours or War" and "Maurice." I need to get both in action again.

  7. Great looking unit Jonathan! Big bravo!

  8. I think that Eureka's 18mm figures are just as nice as their 28mm. Nice paint also!

    1. Nice figures, for sure. The only caveat is that the 18mm SYW cavalry are much larger than any other manufacturers' horses. No problem, use only Eureka!

  9. I really like the idea of the mounting scheme you have for this scale. As usual, the unit is rendered superbly. A "pass in review" of the entire force would be a treat.

    1. Thanks, Ed. The mounting scheme is based upon the notion that the BMU ought to be a single entity. I do not like moving a lot of stands around the table and one base = one BMU = one battalion/squadron/battery works for me. Many of my 15mm collections have gone over to this method as have the projects based for Impetvs.

  10. I have been tempted by Eureka 18mm ranges in the past - but I already have 28mm, 25mm, 20mm and 15mm figures - I really DONT need another scale! These are VERY NICE though

    1. Thanks! The Eureka SYW range is nice, no doubt but it looks as thought you have the SYW already well represented!
