
Monday, April 10, 2017

AB Polish Legion in 1799

With a number of units for 28mm projects moving across the painting desk of late, time to mix it up by adding in two units of 18mm figures.
To that end, two, thirteen figure battalions of Polish Legion infantry muster out from the painting desk.  These 26 Poles are from AB Miniatures and are called up as the 1st Polish Legion.  As expected, the AB Poles are finely sculpted.  The blue faced yellow is a smart combination.
The 1st and 2nd Polish Legions saw action during the 1799 campaign and will add the proper troops if the Battle of Trebbia is tackled.  At Trebbia the 1st Polish Legion is shown present with 2,800 men under arms (Duffy, Eagles Over the Alps) in Dabrowski's Division.  The number of battalions is not specified but two battalions seems too few to count 2,800 muskets.  Duffy lists the Poles as present at a few of the 1799 battles but not all.  Perhaps, the Poles were used more for garrison or LoC duties?   More research is needed on that end.  
Having cleared the game table of the many Montebello 1859 games, time to turn attention towards the planned Montebello 1800 game.  While these Poles will not be needed for a planned recreation of Montebello, they will find much use in the project.  After Montebello, fielding the troops for Trebbia is a good goal. 


  1. Lovely work on the AB Polish, Jonathan!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! One day, you will see them on the gaming table.

  3. More napoleonic loveliness! They look splendid.
    Best Iain

  4. Replies
    1. But what I really want to know, is what was the outcome of the Battle of Montebello?

    2. Mark, the Austrians grabbed a minor victory by deploying into a Great White Wall and then blasting anything French.

  5. Really nice. Your mounting convention, with lots of figs on the stand, really makes the most of the 15mm scale. I have a friend who has recently starting rebasing his 15mm Napoleonics to gain a similar effect.

    1. Ed, I like lots of figures on few bases. Long ago, I grew tired of moving many, many stands for one unit. Now, I prefer single stand BMUs.

  6. They look nice, very very nice!

  7. Quite a sharp looking unit, Jon.

  8. Excellent looking regiment Jonathan!


  9. Great stuff, Jon. They can easily be used as Vistula Legion (which of course they evolved into) for another 15 years hence!

    1. Thank you, Peter! These lads can indeed be used as Vistula Legion later on.
