
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

French 13th Dragoon Rgt in 1799

A variety of figures, sizes, and periods have crossed the painting desk lately.  Well, maybe no more than usually seen but it seems like more variety than typical.
This time, a twelve figure regiment of French dragoons for the 1799 project canter off from the paint table.  As most figures in this project, the dragoons are from the excellent range of 18mm Napoleonics from AB Miniatures
These troopers are being fielded as four squadrons of the 13th Dragoon Regiment which saw action at Zurich in 1799.
A second dozen of these fine figures await in The Lead Pile.  When dragoons next get pushed into the painting queue for the 1799 project, a regiment seeing more action in the campaign ought be be considered.  Perhaps either the 12th or 16th Dragoon Regiments? 
No more 1799 releases for now, however.  The painting desk is inundated with a medley of figures from several projects.  Next off the workbench will likely see either WWII Gebirgsjagers or ancient Celt slingers.  Those are still a couple of days out.


  1. Gorgeous dragoons, I love the facing colours on these chaps, they've come out really well.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. The pink/rose/fuschia facing is one of the reasons I chose to field the 13th Dragoons. Great color combination with the green.

  2. Great work Jonathan. The 1799 project must be starting to fill out now.

    1. Thank you, Mark! Yes, the project is filling out but still much to do.

  3. Really well done. Pink facings are a particularly good look combined with the French Dragoon palette.

    1. Thank you, Ed! I agree that the pink and green are a smart looking combination.

  4. 18mm!? Wow, that's some pretty amazing detail for such wee fellows.

    I do like those colours as well.

  5. Very nice, and as most others have commented that pink looks very effective.

  6. Another great unit. The rose facings really help them stand out.

    1. I agree with your conclusion on the rose facings. Against the green jacket, the rose does pop.

  7. Great looking Dragoons, Jon. I too am a fan of the Rose.Pink faced regiments.... but then again I like the yellow, orange (aurore), red and crimson faced regts, too. You'll have to do a unit with a different facing color for your second regiment, no?

    1. Thanks, Peter! Yes, a different facing color for the second regiment is in order.
