
Monday, March 13, 2017

BTD Celtic Warband in 28mm

Having no units crossing the painting desk for the 28mm Punic Wars project since the nifty Aventine elephant (see Aventine elephant) last summer, I put enough Celtic/Gallic warriors into the painting queue to field one stand for Impetvs.  Checking my painting log, this project has had a much longer hiatus than I guessed.  The elephant and runners were the only unit to be fielded for this project in all of 2016!  Quite surprising.  Perhaps not so surprising since it has been a long time since this collection has seen action on the gaming table. 
These dozen figures are all from Black Tree Designs.  Excellent sculpts that present a fierce and motley appearance.  Perfect warband for either heckling or helping the Romans in their quest for supremacy. 

With one more elephant to be fielded, handfuls of Celts and Germans, and a few Romans, these figures ought to make their way into the painting queue with more regularity.  Having so many periods drawing my attention, perhaps that is an unreasonable goal.


  1. Beautiful and fierce looking warbands Jonathan!

    1. "Beautiful and fierce" is a good combination for a warrior!

  2. Marvellous job - I´m a BTD fan too, they make exceptional sculpts indeed! :D

    1. Thanks! We both are fans of BTD. Good figures at good prices.

  3. Nicely painted and nicely based

  4. Excellent paint job and unit effects--lots going on that comes together very well!

    1. Ed, you comments much appreciated! Glad you like the composition.

  5. Nice touch with the tattoo. I admire the efforts on the basing, No sign of the figure base, but feet and boots perfectly exposed, while keeping the overall ground looking flat.

    1. Norm, my success with the basing is more likely due to the lower profile base on these BTD figures than any active effort on my part. Sometimes, I get lucky! Thanks for your comments and support!

  6. Those guys look vicious Jonathan! Well done!


  7. I love the bright colours and the accents, including the tattoos. Very fine work. While I don't see myself getting into this period, this post makes me all the more curious about the GMT COIN game on the Gallic revolt, Falling Sky.

    1. Glad you like them Michael but not enough to be called by the siren song of a new period. I must try harder!

      I am not familiar with the GMT COIN game but a few recent boardgaming additions have come in-house from GMT. I would enjoy carving out more time for wargaming of the hex and counter type.

    2. RE: Elephants

      How can I turn down a request like yours? I cannot! I will begin construction of the beast soon.

  8. Excellent stuff, I like the addition of the tattoos.

    Hobby Attention Deficit Disorder.. ADHD's bastard step-brother. If more of us could focus one 1-2 eras...all of our favorites companies would go out of business.

    1. Thanks!

      I have a corollary to your 'HADD' syndrome effect employing figure manufacturers. If we only bought figures at the rate at which the figures are painted, our favorite companies would be out of business too!

      I think I have been 'HADD!'

  9. Great looking unit. I love BTD Celts, ever since you put me onto them. In fact, two of those guys are getting painted right now for my last entry in the painting challenge.

    1. Thanks, Aaron! BTD's Celts are terrific figures. Fun to paint too! I look forward to seeing your finished Celts.

  10. Oh, lovely looking celts, great looking tattoos! BTD always look great when you paint them!
    Best Iain
