
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Russian Infantry in the Crimea

Activity at the painting desk returns briefly to push out a 23-figure battalion of Russian infantry for the 25mm Great Game project.  While the project is yet to see action in anger, Russian and vassal forces will be in good position when called up.
Figures are Wargames Foundry from the excellent 25mm Crimean War range.  As mentioned many times before, these Foundry Russians are terrific sculpts and the greatcoats make painting and readying for battle a snap.  The battalion seen here is the last of the Foundry Russian lead in The Lead Pile and march out in a mix of helmet and forage cap.  Four such battalions can now be mustered for action. 
Enough figures for only one more unit remain to complete before plans of project expansion.  In The Lead Pile are 23 figures to field one more Russian infantry battalion.  The figures this time are a test batch from Great War Miniatures.  At first glance, the Great War look a bit more chunky than Foundry but should look fine on the gaming table.


  1. ANother great paint work Jonathan, a wonderful unit!

  2. That is a grand looking unit Jonathan. I really like the mounted officer.

    1. Thanks, Mark! The Foundry Russian are very good figures. In greatcoats, they can be pushed out rather quickly. OK, not as swiftly as you but still quickly. I have one battalion of Great War Russians to get into the painting queue. With all of your Crimean Russians from GW, I had to give them a try.

    2. You will find the GW just as easy to work with, I am sure, but they are a bit bigger.

  3. Really good looking figures Jonathan. Showing my ignorance but was there much to the Crimean War other than the Charge?


    1. Thanks, Richard!
      Yes, although Hollywood suggests The Charge was the entirety of the war, there were other battles and maneuvers.

  4. Very nice! Those greatcoats look smashing.

  5. Spiffing stuff! The amount of detail (like the faces) and other effects elevates them well above being brown lumps in greatcoats. Really good effect that you achieved with the flag as well.

    1. Glad you like them, Ed! The flag is from GMB. Wonderfully detailed flag, it is.

  6. Excellent looking unit Jonathan! Cheers!

  7. Looks great, as usual - the Great War project just needs some table time!

    1. Thanks, Peter! The schedule on a Great Game game keeps getting pushed out. One day!

  8. Great looking unit. Although, your title could be a modern headline.

    1. Or it could be a trigger for either NSA or Russian bots page hits.

    2. I don't think you need a trigger for the Russian blog bots. They seem to find us all quite easily, and often, on their own. They seem enamored with the 6mm Fatimid Cavalry on my page lately.
