
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Italian Archers for Great Italian War

Two Impetvs skirmish stands of Italian archers muster off the painting desk.  These bowmen are a forerunner to a larger tranche of Italian Wars' figures preparing to debouch from the workbench.
These eight figures are from The Assault Group (TAG) and will provide some light infantry support for a potential Venetian contingent.  Rather than fielding an entire Venetian army, more likely, they will be utilized in whichever army could use some bow-armed skirmishers.
Decked-out in a red/white motif, these figures lend a touch of Venetian flair to my eye.  The TAG figures are excellently sculpted but more slight and slender than many other manufacturers' figures.  Having painted a TAG pike block (see TAG pike block), a few arquebusier (see TAG arquebusier), and now a few archers, I find the TAG Renaissance range quite pleasing.  I ought to consider investigating TAG cavalry.


  1. Lovely work Jonathan. I bookmarked TAG only just yesterday, with the intent of having a closer look at their Turks and Poles.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! The TAG figures I have are really quite well-sculpted with proportions very human-like. I like them a lot!

  2. Great looking skirmishers, nice to see Italian wars back in the queue! It's all I'm painting at the moment.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! The large pike block that I lamented earlier about tackling in 2017 is nearing completion. Forty-three figures across three stands. Whew!

      This is a fun period to paint, is it not?

  3. Very nice. Got to admit the Italian Wars is a subject I'm not too familiar with, but going on the broad range of units available - and therefor depth of tactical options - maybe I should look into this further.

    1. Give the period a look, Roy! I was quite unfamiliar with the period too. After following other bloggers' works, I am hooked.

  4. Very nice color combo Jonathan! Well done!


  5. Terrific work Jonathan, they look very realistic!

  6. Lovely, click on 2nd photo, front left figure looks like he has been interrupted by Jonathan's camera, his head is turned and his eyes are trained on the camera position - wonderful!

    1. Norm, you have a good eye! When I was editing these photos, the one you point out was singular to me as well. When I enlarged the photo to get a closer look and to crop the original, the archer seems to be reacting to the photographer exactly as you describe. I did not keep that close up since my painting mishaps were even more glaring.

      Your keen eye and interpretation is much appreciated!

  7. A good looking unit, I opted for the Perry archer figure but I will now have to get some TAG ones as well.

    1. The TAG figures seem more slight than either the Foundry or Old Glory figures in my collection but the sculpting and anatomical proportions are well done. I recommend TAG!

  8. I have never really considered TAG figures in the past but your painting and basing may just make me reconsider. Superb.

    1. TAG have an extensive range of figures and as noted before, great figures. TAG deserves your consideration. Thanks for the comment!

  9. Nicel looking bunch. I have been thinking about ordering some TAG figures aw well. This may be the 'impetus' I needed.

    1. Thank you! I have several extra TAG figures you can have as pilot program if you wish.

    2. I appreciate the offer, I was looking at their Sohei cavalry as well as the Valois French, and Francis I. If only someone did Charles V!

    3. You can paw through the leftover box this weekend and take what you wish.

    4. Great, now I have to get them painted.

  10. Great looking figures and paint job. I especially like the faces and the depth of the reds.

    "Archers" in the Great Italian usually refers to the less than fully armored cavalry of a French "Lance" (i.e., heavy cavalry with light lances), which didn't in fact carry any bows by this era. Outside of the Ottomans, other Eastern armies, and the English, foot bowmen were uncommon by this era. The Venetians, though with their decidedly Eastern oriented viewpoint, would be an exception.

    1. Thank you, Peter! Your period knowledge is always welcomed! Based on the Army Lists in Impetvs, I was planning these bowmen to have ties to Venice.

      Glad you like them!

  11. I always love Italian Wars figures - great.

  12. Great figures Jonathan. I like the TAG cavalry, and have painted up a lot of them! They don't do any barded horses yet though which is a bit of an omission.

    1. Much appreciated, Oli! Have have not looked at the TAG cavalry much. How do the TAG cav compare to either Foundry Renaissance cavalry or Perry cavalry? Maybe I should order a sample to see for myself?

    2. I find the TAG horse fit well with the Foundry Gendarme horses - have a look at this photo, the cavalry are a mix of Foundry Gendarmes, TAG 16th Century men at arms and Foundry Wars of the Roses men at arms on TAG horses: The Eureka Gendarmes and Archer horses also fit in well with them. The back rank in the above picture is Eureka.

      The Perry plastic horses are considerably bigger and don't mix as well with the above. In this pic below, the second rank of the first group of horsemen are on Perry plastic horses and you can probably see they are quite a bit bigger:

    3. Thanks Oli for the supporting photo and appreciate your followup effort. I remember seeing your mixed cavalry display when you first posted this parade review. I agree, they all seem to work fine together. I ought to give TAG a closer examination.

  13. TAG figures are terrific. I have some for my SYW Ottoman army and they are lovely sculpts. Yours painted up well. I love green and blue hat guys: "Screw you, uniform code!"

    1. Thanks, Michael! We all need a bit of nonconformity from time to time.
