
Sunday, February 26, 2017

BTD German Gebirgsjager

Rather than succumb to a recent Black Tree Design offer of 50% discount against WWII infantry, I maintained a modicum of restraint and instead struck out to paint a few of these figures already resting at ease in The Lead Pile.  My limited WWII interests tend to focus on the sideshows during the early campaigns of the war.  Since German Gebirgsjager saw service in both Norway and Crete operations, German mountain troops seemed a reasonable addition to my British and German 28mm Chain of Command forces.  A small pile of BTD Gerbirgsjager lay in The Lead Pile so I began by pulling enough figures to form one section.  Going through the BTD Gebirgsjager lead  I found enough figures to field a full platoon of three sections.  A second section is on the painting desk now.  
The BTD figures looked good with much character in their unpainted state.  After applying paint, I am even more impressed with these German mountain troops.  Excellent figures with enough raised detail to make the figures a snap to paint.  Looking forward to diving into the second section of these models.  First, the painting desk is a bit backed up with several other units readying themselves for departure from the work station.


  1. They are very impressive Jonathan!

  2. Marvellous!! I wish mine looked like that! :D Cheers Jonathan!

  3. Lovely work on some very nice looking sculpts.
    Best Iain

  4. Well outside my area of interest, but characterful and well done regardless!

    1. Thanks, Peter! I am envious that you have managed to contain your interests in both scale and era. I cannot even hope for that discipline.

  5. Great work! We need to get CoC out again. Perhaps April? I've always wanted to try Crete.

    1. Thanks, Jake! Yeah, i would enjoy getting CoC out on the table. It has been a long time and we only a have a few games under our belts. With the game table still loaded with Montebello, I was thinking switching to Montebello 1800 might make sense for April.

    2. Good call. That would also give me time to come up with a suitable opponent in 28mm. Drat, and I was planning for my next 28mm WWII project to be Falchirmjaegers!

    3. You could still field them. As fast as you paint, it would be a snap.

    4. Yes, but I need to find someone to oppose your Germans. My Falchirmjaeger project is meant to menace your Brits!

    5. That is a target rich environment! Plenty of Allies lining up to take a swipe at the Germans.

  6. Very nice. I must admit I do have soft spot for Mountain troops It was one of the airfix soldier kits I had as a kid.

    1. Glad you like them! Figures have gotten bigger and heavier since we were kids!
