
Friday, February 17, 2017

Assyrian Chariot #8 Rehab

After more than one month halt in the chariot refurbishment project, work resumes on the two remaining war carts.
Chariot #8 required the removal, flipping of the yoke, and reattachment like all of the other chariots.  One reader asked how the yokes were originally attached, why they needed to be flipped, and how could I tell?  To help answer those questions, see the photo below showing the original attachment to the yoke.
Yoke affixed upside down
The yoke ought to be connected underneath the tongue with the yoke collar fastened through the top and not the bottom.  A quick pry off from the tongue, a flip and reaffixing is all that is needed.
After that, a few paint touch ups, a coat of stain, and Dullcote are all are needed to bring #8 up to specs.  Chariot is from Wargames Foundry.
Eight down and only one to go!


  1. It looks good. I haven't had the enjoyment of commanding chariots yet in a game. The one time I did, it got caught and destroyed before I managed to charge with it - but it was a shock attack chariot with scythes, so it probably wouldn't have last long anyway.

    What are Assyrian 4-horse chariots useful at; Mobile missile platforms - or melee attacks?

    1. Roy, I have not commanded any chariots either under Impetvs but they look to be both a formidable shock and close combat weapon. I will know the answer once I get a couple of armies fielded.

  2. Magnificent job. Just outstanding.

  3. Replies
    1. I will soon have plenty of chariots. Now I need to begin work on the other troops.

  4. Lovely work, it looks great, can't wait to see it with all its chums!
    Best Iain

    1. Once #9 leaves the blocks, I will gather all nine carts around for a group photo shoot.

  5. Another fine looking chariot - home stretch, with just one to go!

  6. Excellent work Jonathan! Any chance of a massed shot when you finish them all?

    1. Thanks! Massed photo is planned once the last chariot is inished.

  7. I do hate it when things like this happan. But at least it was an easy fix.

  8. I just recently had that issue where I had to fix something I assembled wrong. No fun! The chariot looks fantastic though!

    1. Thanks, Rod! These chariots I picked up second hand. The previous owner had installed the yokes upside down. It is an easy mistake to make.

  9. Another nice looking chariot. I like the detail on the wheels
