
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Early French Legere in 18mm

As work continues filling in the gaps of the Montebello 1800 OB, off the painting desk is one battalion of French legere.  These thirteen figures will be added to the 1799 project and like most figures in this project, all figures are AB Miniatures.  A suitable banner needs to be requisitioned for this battalion and its sister but for now it is ready to march into battle sans flag. 
One more battalion of French legere is needed to fill out the French OB and then all that remains to complete is one battalion of Austrian jaegers.  After that, Montebello 1800 will be ready for the tabletop. 
Of course, Montebello 1800 will not be ready until the several planned attempts at refighting the 1859 battle of Montebello concludes.  The first trial is in progress on the game table now and the Austrians are hard pressed early on.  One oversight is the discovery that I could not muster enough Austrian grenz for the battle and a couple of half-battalions of jaeger had to stand in.  Thought I had sufficient grenz mustered out but that seemed to be an alternative fact.  Depots have been called to fill out the missing grenz battalions.  I imagine these will be seen in the painting queue before long.


  1. They look wonderful Jonathan, excellent job!

  2. Fine work on these tiny fellows!! :) Cheers!

  3. Excellent work!
    Great looking unit Jonathan!

  4. Lovely work on these light chaps.
    Best Iain

  5. Very nice looking regiment Jonathan!


  6. How well would these figures fit in with 1/72 plastics? I can't afford to do whole armies in metal anymore, but using some to fill in the gaps in what's available in plastic would be sweet.

    Best regards,

    Chris Johnson

    1. Hi Chris, I don't have any 1/72 plastic figures to compare but I think the ABs would be too small. I am sure an email to Eureka Miniatures requesting a sample would be well received and a sample would be on its way to you very quickly.

  7. Great looking Legere, Jon. I will need at least one unit of early Legere to go with my own "Bicorne" French division...

    1. Thanks, Peter! I look forward to seeing your version of French legere. Would these be Old Glory?

    2. Most likely, as they would be in the same "Division" as the recently painted Old Glory in Bicorne; indeed, I was literally perusing the OG listings and they do indeed have Legere in side plumed shakos, so that would work well with the Ligne units in Bicorne. I may be renewing my Army card yet again later this year! :-)

  8. Very colorful fellows. Well done.

  9. Excellent work again! I do like the early legere uniform.

    1. Thanks! I have another just like it coming up soon.
