
Friday, January 6, 2017

Austrian Hussar Regiment #12 in 1859

After a steady stream of units for the 18mm 1799 project, attention is diverted to return to the 15mm 1859 project.  Today's focus is four squadrons of Austrian hussars from Regiment #12.  Figures are Mirliton from Italy. 
Mirliton makes my favorite cavalry sculpts for this period and size.  While Old Glory and Lancashire make very good cavalry, to my eye, Mirliton exceeds both.  Unfortunately, only figures for Austrian and Sardinian contingents are present in Mirliton's 1859 range.
These dozen troopers muster out as squadrons 5 through 8 of Haller Hussar Regiment #12.  Squadrons 1 through 4 mustered out for duty long ago and only now do the remaining four squadrons get called up for service.  With light blue uniform topped by a white shako, Haller Hussars are a handsome unit.


  1. Very handsome austrian hussars, I was going to say pretty but thought better of it!
    Best Iain

  2. Wow. If you hadn't specified that those were 15mm, I would have thought they were 25s. Simply splendid.

  3. Austrian Hussars are superb, and you've managed a wonderful job with them!

    1. As always, Phil. your comments are much appreciated!

  4. I love he intense blue of this unit and the other details you've managed to achieve, such as the detailing on the shakos. Very impressive.

    1. That particular shade of blue is a favorite of mine as well. Your comment is much appreciated, Michael!
