
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Return to Spain and the Reconquista

Momentarily back to Spain and the 28mm Reconquista project to field one stand of Arab medium cavalry.  Figures are the large, BTD horsemen from the Warriors of Islam range.
While the Reconquista project has seen only limited activity at the painting desk (and no activity on the gaming table) in 2016, a second stand of Arab medium cavalry will be mustering from the painting desk before year end. 
Having purchased a large stock of cavalry reinforcements for the project during a recent BTD 40% discount offering, many, many cavalry lay in The Lead Pile awaiting attention with the brush.  With year-end painting time devoted to refurbishing chariots and working on the 15mm 1799 and 1859 projects, more work on the Reconquista project must wait.  Of course, scheduling a game with the collection might energize the desire for more figures to deploy for battle and move them up in the queue.  Unlikely but c'est la guerre!


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, mixing it up keeps me from getting into a painting rut or funk.

  2. A great looking unit for an exciting period Jonathan!


    1. An interesting period covering hundreds of years provides much fodder for game play. Now, I just need to get them onto the table!

  3. I wish I picked up a few more Cavalry in the BTD offer, I got a few odds and sods but that was it.

    1. When BTD puts cavalry on sale (which is rare), you must act!

  4. Replies
    1. A comment on their character, rather than your brushwork Jonathan, which was excellent as always.

  5. Great looking cavalry unit, your knocking out the units at the moment!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Ian! A number of units make their way off the painting desk as I make a push towards fielding formations needed for Montebello 1800.

  6. Lovely lads, Jonathan! I especially like the mix of colors. I'm painting Reconquista too so I'm not sure how I missed this post. I got my hands on the WAB El Cid book which is good inspiration for painting this period.
