
Monday, December 5, 2016

Mounted Crossbowmen II

The second trio of Casting Room Miniatures' mounted crossbowmen trot off the painting desk.  As mentioned in an earlier post, this was my first tranche of Casting Room Miniatures' figures.  My impression of the sculpting is mixed depending upon the range and figure but I find these horsemen quite acceptable.  With a Christmas sale in effect until DEC 20, a second order is on its way to my casa.  In my Christmas order will be found a variety of Normans for the Reconquista project.  They look good in the photos.  
While the anatomical sculpting on the men is odd in places, their mounts are well executed.  These horses fit well with the horses from Foundry's Early 16th Century Renaissance range.  With the project growing by 40 horse and 60 foot figures in 2016, the collection is seeking its first test of battle on the game table. 
Until that time of battle, a fifth stand of mounted Gendarmes is ready to depart the painting desk and a 40+ pike block awaits in the queue.  Looking at the pile of 40+ blackened pikemen almost overwhelms my desire to begin.


  1. oh, great brush work Jonathan! really love them!

  2. Another impressive base of figures! Just tackle that pike block piece by piece and it will soon come together!

    1. Thank you, Oli! You give good advice. Since a pike block has three main stands of pike, i ought to tackle each stand of 13, one at a time.

  3. Lovely crossbow men I'm looking forward to your next pike block and even more to seeing them in an aar!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, I look forward to getting these troops into their maiden battle too! Hopefully, one day soon.

      The Black Band is the formation in mind for this next block of pikes.

  4. Excellent stuff. My jinettes just received some primer, I will need to see if I can get them done in time to face these guys!

    1. I await your challenge! Whose figures are you using for Jinettes? Casting Room Miniatures?

      You have Jinettes in your Reconquista project, right?

    2. They are casting room figs. I have some for the Reconquista as well, but they are for a much earlier period, so I opted to get the CRM ones for the update. (Also, CRMs are dedicated Jinettes, while my others are generic light cav painted in reds and yellows)

    3. Excellent! Looking forward to seeing them.

  5. They look great, Jon! Very colorful.

  6. No doubt, they are superb, excellent job!

  7. They look fantastic. What rules are they based for?

  8. Stupendous work Jonathan, they look perfect! Cheers!

  9. Agree with all previous commentators. Lovely work!

  10. They look great, Jon. The castings themselves are OK (riders), but the painting is excellent. The Gendarmes, Knights, and Elmeti are the stars of the battlefield, but that's a few days a year. The other 360+ days it was these guys, along with the Jinetes and Stradiots, that did the scouting raiding harassing etc.

    1. Thank you, Peter. I appreciate your critique. As for Stradiots, a half dozen of these fine Perry figures arrived in the post recently. While six such Stradiots have already mustered out for the project, another two stands will find good service. Marvelous sculpts, those Perry figs!

  11. Lovely figures, Jon. You've managed to get some nice bright colours into your palette to give them a proper Ren. feel. Was shooting crossbows from horseback a thing, I wonder? I imagine shooting was easier than reloading.
    I am trying to muster all my willpower not to go to the Casting Room page for their sale. So weak, I am ...

    1. Thank you, Michael! Yes, I bet shooting was easier than reloading. An interesting question, that. Needs some investigation.

      As for CRM sale, go ahead. Buying in moderation is truly not within the realm of testing willpower. Now, a large order is a willpower test. A moderate order; insignificant. Remember, orders exceeding BP80 ship for free!

    2. You aren't helping, you know. Fortunately I resisted, but there are other packets of lead coming to keep me busy through to New Years.
