
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Assyrian Chariot #4 Rehab

The Assyrian chariot rehabilitation project continues with chariot #4 rolling off the painting desk.  Like the other three chariots before, the yoke needed to be removed, flipped and then reattached to the tongue.  One wheel required reaffixing to the axle and an arm or two needed reattachment.  After staining and a new base, voila! 
The Foundry Assyrian chariots are a wonder and the foot figures are just as excellent.  Having moved these chariots from the To Do One Day pile over to the To Do Now pile, has me motivated to begin an Assyrian Army project with a sense of purpose.  Before I was not quite sure what would become of the box of broken chariots.  Would they languish in a box forevermore?  No!  Even though some would suggest I possess way too many projects, a Biblical project is not one of them.  With such a growing core of nice chariots, it would be shame not to use these models as a nucleus for an army or two.  More Foundry Assyrian lead is winding its way to the house.   
   Four chariots down, five to go.


  1. The foundry Assyrian Chariot/figures look gorgeous and lovey painting by you Jonathan, awesome!


    1. Hi Phil, I cannot take whole credit on the chariots. I bought them painted about three years ago but they were in multiple stages of disrepair and neglect. I am making repairs and touching them up. Glad to like them!

  2. Great looking addition Jonathan, the whole army will be very impressive!

    1. An entire Assyrian army will look superb. I have a long way to go to reach that point, though. Someday.

  3. Another great looking chariot Jonathan! I think the Foundry biblical range is the best out there and I would like to make another army out of them someday.


    1. Much appreciated, Christopher! The Foundry Biblical ranges are superb even by today's standards. First rate, models!

  4. Top stuff and you know when you leave Assyrian chariots for a while they seem to breed - I'm sure my unfinished lot have increased by a couple !

    1. Thanks, Dannoc! I hope you are correct about them multiplying in captivity. That will save me a bit of dough. Best of luck in Assyrian project!

  5. Great looking chariot refurb, done in record time, I find clean ups and refurbs more taxing than starting from scratch, I keep finding things to do whereas I can remain disciplined if I start at the beginning, lovely job anyway.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! These models did not require more work than start from scratch. Many repairs and the joins are not as good as in a fresh model but I am pleased with the results.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous!!! What a fantastic job you did!! Cheers!

  7. Another excellent chariot Jonathan! The Foundry Assyrians are the best.

    1. Mike, the Foundry chariots are first rate, no doubt! I love 'em although I still have more than half of the nine go. Then, I must stat on the foor sloggers and cavalry.

  8. Another superb Rehab job with great results. With Assyrian lead on the way, can Egyptians be far behind?

    My Assyrian army was the first Ancient army I painted, and is still a favorite.

    1. Thank you, Peter! I need to work on fielding Assyrians before I think of another army. I could see how your Assyrian army would be a favorite. I am looking forward to building one of my own. The Foundry figures are terrific.
