
Monday, December 26, 2016

AB French Consular Guard 1800

In a slow but steady procession, units for the 1799 project keep marching off the painting desk as work progresses on the Montebello 1800 OB.  While the Consular Guard did not make an appearance at Montebello, the Grenadiers a Pied were present a week later at Marengo to help snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.  The Consular Guard saw service in other battles so these thirteen figures were popped into the painting queue in a move towards elitism.  
Figures are AB Miniatures and expertly sculpted as expected.  Is there an AB figure I don't like?  Cannot think of one.  Work continues on fielding units for Montebello with Austrian Grenz and French legere on the workbench. 


  1. Lovely looking regiment from your busy brush Jonathan!


  2. I can see these fellows marching across the battle field, just in time, at Marengo.

  3. AB Figures are top notch, I agree, and your rendering does them justice. Impressive (as the Consular Guard should be).

  4. Fabulous job for a fantastic unit!

  5. Lovely painting on some more lovely figures.
    Best Iain

  6. Great looking unit, Jon. The origins of the Consdular Guard, and its evolution into the Imperial Guard is fascinating. The similarities and differences from the uniform seen here to the later Grenadiers a Pied are also most interesting!

    1. Thank you, Peter! The uniforms are very similar with only moderate evolution.

  7. To play Marengo would be strange without the Consular Guard, therefore I can see the reason to paint them, even if they didn't fought much somewhere else. Besides it will hardly to notice that they are from the Consular guard if you would use the unit for ordinary French grenadiers.

    Nicely painted elites.

    1. Good point about small differences between Consular guard and grenadiers. Glad you like the finished result!
