
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Mounted Crossbowmen - Great Italian Wars

Work continues on pushing out BMUs for the Great Italian War.  Today's work shows the completion of one stand of three mounted crossbowmen for the project.  With four large pike blocks ready for service, the recent Casting Room Miniatures' order was used to augment the project with a few odds and ends.  All that remains to hit the painting desk from that CRM order is a second triplet of mounted crossbowmen. 
While the anatomy seemed awkward on a few of CRM's command figures shown in earlier posts, I like these mounted crossbowmen a lot.  Crossbowman anatomy looks good to me and the horses are first rate.  The horsemen are not sculpted in the angular style of, say, Artizan, but more in a rounded, Renaissance-like style.  Rounded features remind me of Renaissance paintings.  
Also in the order were mounted knights for the Reconquista and Trojan War chariots.  The knights are sculpted in a charging pose and look fantastic.  I only ordered one pack of those so another order will be needed to complete a unit.  As for the Trojan War chariots, one day I will tackle this project in earnest.  Not for now, though.


  1. Excellent job, splendid colors!

  2. Looking good with a bright paint job. Good addition to the US collection.

  3. Excellent mounted crossbowmen Jonathan!

  4. Marvellous job, love the colours and the poses! Cheers!

  5. Great looking crossbow men, it must be time soon to get them all out for a review and inspired by you I think my next unit will be Italian wars gendarmes!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, happy to provide a bit of painting inspiration! When was the last time the collection made a grand parade? I will check on that. If enough new figures have been added since then, I will hold a parade review.

  6. Jonathan
    I have steered away from CRM after seeing some of their pike looking like they were doing star jumps. But these are wonderful and an order will be going in for some for my collection. The Reconquista knights sound interesting as well - will look forward to seeing those.

    1. I am pleased with the CRM mounted crossbowmen. Hope you like them too. Fine figures. As for the knights, I need to order a few more to have enough figures to make a full stand.

  7. These look great Jonathan, will go really nicely with the rest of the collection. I too would like to see them all set up again at some point.

    1. Thanks, Oli! That makes two votes for a parade review. I have one or two more units nearing the painting desk. Once I finish those, I will set them out on the table for a parade.

  8. Very nice work! on your Mounted Crossbowmen Jonathan...


  9. Very nicely done, Jon, and I agree with your assessment of the sculpts. Very "Eye-talian" looking as well! Perfect for mercenary troops of the various city states!

    1. Thank you, Peter. The figures will be able to serve in many armies. As mentioned, another trio is in the painting queue awaiting their turn at the brush.

  10. Lovely colours. I've bought a few packs of Casting Room figures, not this period of course, but they're excellent figures none the less!

    1. Hi Ray! Some of the CSM figures are terrific but others have odd anatomy to my eye. Still, on the gaming table those quirks disappear.

  11. Nice. You are making me feel guilty about mine...

    1. No need for guilt. Oh, I have a stand of Gendarmes on the painting desk.
