
Monday, October 24, 2016

Heavy Horse for the Reconquista

In anticipation of a restocking of BTD cavalry for the Reconquista project, this fivesome of heavy cavalry canter out from the painting desk.  Being nondescript, I plan for these horsemen to see action on either side of the conflict.
One of the features I really enjoy of the BTD cavalry is the size of the mounts.  These are massive beasts!  Five of them make good progress towards filling the 120mm frontage of an Impetvs base.  Great figures and a real bargain when purchased during one of BTD's sales.  At sale prices, each horse and rider pair sums to less than $4.  Now, that is a bargain!
Having not had the project out on the table in a very long time, I have lost track of the exact the scope of the project.  The only visual clue I get is when I need to buy another storage box as the collection expands.  I ought to get the collection out on the table for a parade review.

Back to the most recent BTD sale.  After a lengthy wait, I received the first portion of the order this week after about a six week lag.  Being in no hurry, a six week lead time is no problem. Still, my order arrived with six heavy horses on back order.  Yikes!  Well, John, the proprietor, says the laggards will be showing up ASAP.


  1. Excellent cavalry Jonathan! BTD do make massive nags.

    1. Thank you, Mike! BTD horses are Big and Beautiful!

  2. Great stuff. The dude on the end with the diagonal stripe on shield sure does look grumpy.

    1. Thanks! Some of the faces are quite expressive. Gives them great character, I think.

  3. There is a very natural animation to those figures, agree the character on that face has been brought out beautifully.

    1. I agree! I use BTD figures for more than one of my projects and the figures are terrific with lots of character.

  4. Wonerful job, they look great!

  5. Nice one.

    I'm planning on buying some BTD Ancient Germans next time there's a sale on. Never had any of their mini's before, but they look splendid.

    1. Roy, the BTD Ancient Germans are good too. Pick up a few with the next sale (they occur quite often) or I could send out a few samples. I have plenty to spare!

    2. Thanks for the offer, Jonathan. At the moment I've 80+ Germans (various makes) to paint all ready, so they'll keep me going till the next BTD sale. Thanks again.

  6. Another good looking addition. We could probably put together a rather massive battle if we mixed our collections at this point.

    1. Glad you like it! No doubt we could field two massive armies. I have not made an accounting of mine for a long time.

  7. Very nice HC, Jon. I have been very pleased with my BTD figures, and their sales. Thank you so much for turning me on to both!

    1. You are very welcome, Peter! BTD makes a solid product at a very reasonable price. I rate many of the ranges as excellent.
