
Friday, September 23, 2016

Afghan Tribal Artillery for Great Game

Another addition to the Great Game project!  Off the desk this time is native Afghan crew and gun.  Gun and crew are from Wargames Foundry and as expected Foundry's mid-19th Century ranges still offer state of the art sculpting from so many years ago. 
Years ago, I had a number of Old Glory and Foundry Pathans and Afghan Regulars for Colonial gaming.  I loved the battalions of Afghans in beehive hat and Turkomen in fur headdresses. Classic figures!  Those figures are long gone, though.  Oh, how I wish I still had them.  While I will not likely be duplicating the Regular Afghan troops from the 2nd Afghan War, many groups of Afghan tribesmen should certainly be considered.
Still, more Russian foot and horse remain in The Lead Pile with a battalion of Empress Miniatures' Russians on its way as a test.


  1. Fabulous job, they look superb!

  2. The character of the sculpts is what makes this unit. It appears much more dynamic and interesting than the typical stoic sculpts you see for artillerists

    1. Glad you like them! These Foundry ranges have stood the test of time. Still state of the art after so many years in production.

  3. Great artillery and crew Jonathan!

  4. Wonderful looking artillery unit, and as Jake says, the dynamic look of the crew figures is a treat!

    1. Thank you! They are a dynamic foursome. Poses suggest a native gun crew lurking in the hills awaiting the appearance of an enemy column in the valley below.

  5. Another lovely looking unit as always.
    Best Iain

  6. Nice work, JF. Even though they are part of one crew, every one of these figures seems to be doing his own thing, including the chap waving the very practical sword. Very Afghan. A lovely little unit.

    1. Thank you, Michael. Hopefully, in battle, they will be able to focus attention on the task at hand.
