
Friday, August 19, 2016

Knightly Warrior - Based!

Given my earlier lamentation on the lack of a proper base for a recent two-figure command stand for the Reconquista project, the order from Litko arrived.  With The Wood Pile replenished, life is good again!  After I submitted this most recent order to Litko, an idea sprung up in which another order is required.  Next time!
Before the arrival of the box of bases, the plan had been to present a small parade of the latest works on the 1859 project.  For now, I interject this two-figure command stand comprised of BTD figures.  Work will return to these scheduled activities momentarily. 
Sometimes, plans are useless but planning is indispensable.  


  1. Lovely job. Like the markings on the horse barding or whatever you would call it.

    1. Thanks, Simon! The markings on the barding are my impressionistic rendering of a bit of heraldry.

  2. Nice knights, the BTD figures I've got are really chunky which I like yours look great and yes one has to plan, even if you have to keep changing them!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, I really enjoy painting the BTD figures whether WWII, Reconquista, or ancients figures. Many are on the larger end of the 28mm spectrum but that is ok with me. Great figures are a great price (when on sale)!

  3. Great command stand of Knights, Jonathan!

  4. Good to see you exercising and satisfying your base motives! :-)
