
Monday, July 18, 2016

Parade Ground: Great Italian Wars Project

Having several requests to troop the 28mm Great Italian Wars project out for a Pass-in-Review, following is a photo op of the state of this interesting project.  Work on a fairly large pile of unpainted lead remains to be tackled but must be prioritized.  Mustering the troops onto the parade ground is a practical tool in making an assessment on progress made and guiding the direction for future work.
Project Group Photo
The photo above and the two photos below illustrate the current state of the project in group photos.  With Impetvs as the basis for basing, the units mustered, thus far, include:
  • 4 stands mounted gendarmes
  • 2 stands Stradiots
  • 1 stand mounted archers
  • 4 Pike squares 
  • 2 stands 'T' arquebus
  • 2 stands 'S' arquebus
  • 3 stands Artillery
Figures are drawn from Wargames Foundry, Perry Miniatures, Old Glory, and The Assault Group
Project Group Photo
Project Group Photo
Given the overview of the project, what does the project need in order to create a more well-rounded army that could be fielded as more than one Impetvs force?  When will these fine lads see action in their first action?

Now, for two handfuls of photos of the troops.  


  1. What an army! So many beautiful pikes...

    1. Thank you, Phil! So many beautiful and sharp pikes!

  2. A lovely looking army to be proud of Jonathan!


  3. Fantastic! Great looking army

  4. Fantastic looking army yours and Phils painting style merging brilliantly, thanks for putting them all up together, maybe more non landsknecht infantry but it's grand as it is well done!
    Best Iain

    1. Phil did marvelous brushwork on the figures that switched allegiance and signed up to fight for me. the request for more non-Landsknecht infantry has been noted.

      Appreciate the comments!

    2. My former Landsknecht units refused to serve me after I rejected their pay rise claims! ;o)

    3. Well, they may come grovelling back when they see their pay stubs from my employ!

  5. Superb stuff mass pikes are always a pleasure to see, the Italian wars has always been one of those projects I have wanted to do my be one day thanks for posting

    1. Thank you, Stephen! Seeing you build an Italian wars project would be enjoyable. Massed pikes are cool!

  6. That was an ambitious undertaking, Jon, and they turned out great! I love all the color.

    1. Thank you, Scott! This project received a good jump start when Phil peddled off the start of his project. A fine start it was too!

  7. Great stuff Jonathan, I love the whole army shots - that is what the Italian Wars is all about!
    What is still to come in the unpainted lead pile?

    1. Appreciate your kind comments, Oli. Your fine work was my inspiration.

      What remains in the lead pile? From memory, enough Landsknecht pike for at least one more block, Italian pike for one more block, one bag each of Old Glory arquebusier and crossbowmen, and a handful of Foundry cavalry and officers. Oh, and three more guns and crew.

    2. Cheers Jonathan. I look forward to seeing these other units painted up.

  8. Good googly moogly - those pike blocks are impressive. Have they seen action yet?

    1. Who doesn't love a massed block of pikemen? Not me, for sure! These troops are still awaiting their baptism by fire. With a bit of scheduling good fortune, maybe they will see action before the snow flies?

  9. Awesome Army display Jonathan! love your additions to this army i.e. Cavalry and skirmishers!

    well done Sir!


    1. Thank you, Phil! Your fine troops gave me both the incentive and jumpstart for this very interesting period and project. I thank you!

  10. As you know, this is one of my own favorite wargames eras, and you are doing it proud!

    Crossbowmnen persisted well into the Italian Wars. If Impetus covers them, some intermediate cavalry between the Gendatrmes and the lighter Stradiots/Mounted Crossbows/Arquebusiers, and Genitors would seem in order. This would include the French "Archers", Italian Lanze Spezzati/Elmeti, etc.

    1. I very much appreciate your approval and advice on force composition, Peter!
