
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Painting Analytics First Half 2016

With the first half of 2016 in the books, time to assess my progress on reducing The Lead Pile while making progress towards my 2016 project goals.

What goals did I set for myself at the beginning of the year?  Let me recap those Top 5 goals set out for 2016:
  • Reduce The Lead Pile for Second Italian War of Independence (1859) project in 15mm
  • Reduce The Lead Pile for 1799 Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland project in 18mm
  • Add to Great Italian Wars project in 28mm
  • More gaming including first game using the 1799 collection
  • Reduce The Lead Pile for 18mm SYW and 15mm Samurai Battles projects (100 figures each)
Six months in, how is it going?

Looking at the unadjusted figures counts nearly 78% of first-half output has been concentrated on the three projects identified in the 2016 painting goals.  The Top Three are:
  1. 15mm 1859 project -  176 figures; 29.4%.
  2. 18mm 1799 project - 206 figures; 343.5%
  3. 25mm Great Italian Wars project - 84 figures; 14.1%.
Rounding out the Top Five eras are the 25mm Great Game project with 36 figures and the 28mm Peninsular War project showing a count of 33 figures.  Thus far, the painting actuals are aligning closely to the painting goals.  That is why we make goals and objectives, right?
Unadjusted Painted Figure Count by Era
Switching over from painted figure count to painting points,the Top 4 eras are:
  1. 18mm 1799 Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland with 568pp (24.63%)
  2. 28mm Great Italian Wars project with 515pp (22.33%)
  3. 15mm 1859 Project with 380pp (16.48%)
  4. 25mm 19th Century Great Game project with 360pp (15.61%)
Adjusted Painted Figure Count by Era
Looking at painting productivity over time (these are my favorite graphics), my 2016 painting goal of producing 1,000 painted figures appears to be on track.  With summer weather and upcoming vacation plans, activity at the painting desk may see a decline until early fall.  We will see... 
Unadjusted Painted Figure Count by Year by Era

Adjusted Painted Figure Count by Year by Era
While a general sense of 2016 productivity can be gleaned from the yearly painting productivity  graphs, breaking painting down by month presents a more informative picture.  From the graph below, the 1859 and 1799 projects showed good consistency across the first six months of the year.  The Great Game and Great Italian Wars projects experienced pockets of activity within those six months.  The Great Game project seems to have nudged its way into the painting queue on a regular basis.  As shown a few days ago, a third infantry battalion mustered into service in July.
Adjusted Painted Figure Count by Month by Era
While three of the five 2016 goals are seeing good progress, Goals 4 and 5 are lagging.  Game scheduling has been tough thus far.  Although, I managed three games in April alone, not much action on the gaming table either before or since.  Even the 10mm ACW Brawner's Farm scenario laid out on the gaming table has seen no action.  I really need to work on that goal.  Fielding a 1799 game as planned is definitely within my grasp.  Bringing up the rear is the goal to field 100 figures in each of the 18mm SYW and 15mm Samurai Battles projects.  With almost half of 2016 remaining, still time to make process corrections and get those goals back into control. 

Back to the brushes!


  1. I thought I was organised LOL, good to see your doing so well


    1. Under the adage, "you cannot manage what you do not measure" I measure a lot.

  2. Well done, doing well so far, I'm not a big chart maker but it looks like it works well for you!
    Best Iain

    1. The secret to increased productivity is to keep plugging away by painting a little most days. That, however, is sometimes trumped by other demands. Tracking does provide a focus for me.

  3. I heartily agree that painting a little, even just an hour a day, every day is the key to long term productivity,. even if I can't quite match your numbers, Jon!

  4. Once again your organizational skills are for everyone to see! Well done!

