
Friday, June 10, 2016

TAG Italian Arquebusiers

Straggling along as a follow up to the TAG Italian pike block (see: Italian Pike Block), two skirmish stands of arquebusier muster out from the painting desk.  Based for Impetvs, these two, four-figure stands will lend some firepower to the defense of the large Italian pike block.

As the TAG pikemen before them, these TAG handgunners are nicely sculpted and take painting and staining well.  Slightly more slight than the Old Glory and Foundry figures, TAG Renaissance figures fit in well with the other two.  Would they mix within the same unit?  I have not tried but could be considered.  Foundry and TAG would match more easily within the same unit than Old Glory but the proof is in the pudding.  I ought to give it a try to satisfy my own curiosity.  A few TAG crossbowmen remain in The Lead Pile but more of these fine figures ought to be considered.  Not having seen the TAG cavalry, perhaps a few should be on order as a sample? 

Painting output has slowed in recent days due to other time constraints and the mid summer-like weather in the Pacific Northwest.  With intermittent showers expected to descend upon Spokane for the weekend, perhaps attention can return to the painting desk?  A second regiment of Austrian dragoons for the 1799 project are nearing completion with a dozen Russian lancers for the Great Game project to follow.

As another diversion from the painting desk, study has begun on formulating a scenario for the Action at Brawner's Farm.  As a catalyst for the Second Battle of Manassas in 1862, the plan is to refight this engagement at the regimental level using Regimental Fire and Fury and my 10mm ACW collection.  Preliminary work suggests the engagement area will fit within a 6' x '6 playing area so only half of the game table will need to be cleared of hobby detritus before setup can begin.

The 10mm ACW collection has been a long time in storage boxes.  High time to bring them out for study and a game.  Brawner's Farm scenario will pit five Confederate brigades in a surprise encounter against two Federal brigades.  In this action, Gibbon's famous Iron Brigade gets its moniker.  Will history repeat itself?  


  1. lovely looking painted Arquebusiers Jon - well done!

    looking forward to your 10mm ACW game too!...


    1. Thank you, Phil! Slowly making my way through the box of lead you sent.

  2. Lovely looking Arquebusiers they look like great sculpts and of course your usual fine paint job.
    Best Iain

  3. These look great. I mix foundry, TAG and OG stuff on the same bases. The only thing I do for the old WOTR Foundry stuff (not the newer renaissance range) is stick them on a bit of plasticard first before sticking them on the base. Once based with the plasticard they are roughly the same height as the other miniatures.

    1. Thanks, Oli! Good recap of compatibility. I wonder if the old Foundry WoTR cavalry would fit on the newer Foundry Renaissance horses? Have you tried that combination?

    2. I haven't tried fitting them on the newer ones but I think they probably would. They fit the TAG horses well (which is good as you can buy the TAG horses separately) but I did have to model the front of the saddles onto the figures with greenstuff as they TAG horses don't have them modeled on. It wasn't too tricky though.

      The results are here: they have since been rebased.

    3. Excellent information, Oli! I like your Foundry MAA on TAG horses. I need to investigate for my own usage!

      The Foundry WotR MAA do fire on the later (and larger) Foundry Renaissance horses. Now, I did to source single Foundry horses.

  4. I re;;y love your work! Great looking minis!

  5. Thoise do look like nice sculpts to paint. Good work.

    1. Very nicely sculpted, no doubt. Somewhat on the expensive end of the spectrum, though.
      Thank you for the kind comment.

  6. I like these a lot, Jon. Very "eye-talian" looking, too!

    1. Thank you, Peter! Hopefully, Jake and I can get the two collections on the table for my troops' baptism of fire soon.

  7. I really like all the mix of colors. Well done!

  8. Lovely work Jonathan. Looking forward to some 10mm ACW action!

  9. They look great Jonathan and I'm curious to see how the ACW game turns out!


    1. I am making good progress on a Brawner's Farm scenario.

  10. Another great unit. I like how the TAG figures are painting up. I like your thought process on Brawner's Farm, I actually packed 10mm ACW figs into my travel paint kit for this week.

    1. Thank you and very glad you like them! One day, you will be facing them on the battlefield.

      As for Brawner's Farm, table is laid out and I am touching up the OB and scenario specifics. Since you are building a 10mm ACW collection and have as yet to try RFF, Brawner's Farm would be a good intro.
