
Thursday, June 2, 2016

140th NY Volunteer Infantry Rgt

In a radical and unexpected change of pace from recent painting efforts, two dozen Sash & Saber Federal troops were pushed into the painting queue.  Sash & Saber 28mm ACW range is a wonderful range with each figure showing great variety and character.  An entire army composed of these figures would be an impressive and attention drawing sight.
These figures muster out as the 140th New York and join the only other unit in this orphan project, Collis' Zouaves (see Collis' Zouaves).  The 28mm ACW project is orphaned in the sense that I had no real plan for a large collection.  At the outset, my goal was to field a small formation to fight alongside Scott's beautiful ACW project.
Picked up years ago when S&S offered a 40% discount, these figures represented a true bargain.  Although cast and sold by Old Glory, S&S figures do not fall under the Old Glory Army Card 40% discount.  Too bad!  What remains of these wonderful Sash & Saber figures in The Lead Pile?  Well, enough figures remain to field a second 24 figure Zouave regiment.  Still undecided on which unit to field and when to put the figures into the painting queue.
With the ease in painting, the second Zouave regiment should not linger in The Lead Pile for too long.


  1. The S&S figures have lots of character and your painting and basing look great.

  2. Your Zouaves look the treat, Jon! The flags look great as well. What prompted them to leap to the front of so many other items?

    At least if bought in person at Historicon (applies to orders as well if out of stock, and free shipping to boot), they have a buy 4 get one free deal. Not surprisingly, every Historicon I buy 5 S&S Artillery sets! It's too bad they don't see it as economically feasible to expand their 28mm ranges the way they have their 40mm figures!

    1. Peter, these two dozen Federals had been primed and sitting in the queue since last fall. Figured about time to put a halt to their taunting.

      Yes, I wish the S&S Napoleonic range had continued its expansion. At least, French light infantry should have been added. That lack of steady expansion pushed me down the Front Rank and other, larger-sized figure path. S&S guns are terrific. I have a few of the French models in my collection.

  3. Sash ans=d Sabre are one the great under-appreciated ranges. These look great! I have enough figures to get a decent sized game on. Maybe we should try some Sharp Practice?

    1. Thank you, Scott! As for a game, I am game for anything!

  4. What a beautiful unit, well done Jon!

  5. Unit look great Jon! lovely uniforms!

  6. Great looking unit, very nicely painted up to your usual high standard
    not my period but very nice.
    Best Iain

  7. Loki! Great to see you after such a long absence.
    Appreciate your comment!

  8. Wonderful job painting up this unit. Those S&S figures do have a lot of character.

    1. Thanks, Rod! S&S ACW figures are first rate, no doubt!

  9. A very fine looking regiment Jonathan! I also really like S&S figures and in fact I have a large regiment almost finished as I write this.


    1. Thanks you, Christopher! I look forward to seeing your results.

  10. I've not had much to do with S&S figures, but they do look excellent, that's for sure!

  11. Really nice figures with a fantastic paint job! What's not to like

  12. These look great Jon well done! just love those 25mm Sash and Sabre figures..recently I finished off flocking my own Sash/Sabre (figures) 40 Confederate's bases. One day I will work on my Union troops!...


    1. Thanks, Phil! S&S do have a lot of character. Looking forward to seeing both your recently completed Rebels and your queued-up Union troops.

  13. Excellent work. I see the scale creep continues for all of us. Perhaps skirmish in 54mm next?

    1. This is DEFINITELY meant to be a limited effort. So far, so good!
