
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

State of the Painting Desk

On the painting desk this evening, I near completion of a large tranche (for me, anyway) of figures for the Great Italian Wars project.  The 28mm figures are from The Assault Group's (TAG) Renaissance range.  Outstanding sculpting with a more slender build than either Old Glory or Foundry.  These figures will look fine on the gaming table along with the other manufacturers' works.
Coming in at 39 figures, these Italian pikemen will form 3 x 13 figure, Impetvs-sized stands to form one pike block.  This is a lot of figures to contend with on the painting desk especially considering the unwieldiness of the pikes.  I look forward arraying these lads onto their bases and lining them up into one block.  First a Minwax treatment is due for these guys.  

At some point, complementing this pike block will be a couple of 'S' class stands of arquebus and crossbowmen.  These forthcoming missile troops will also be supplied by TAG.

Before work on the pike block finishes up, a twelve figure regiment of Austrian hussars for the 1799 project will see the inside of the photo booth.  

NB: Phil suggested the pikemen should be wearing gloves to protect hands from the pike.  I agree but saw no gloves modeled on the figures.  I considered repainting as suggested but remembered my painting inspiration for these TAG figures.  That inspiration was Funcken's cover of The Age of Chivalry Part II seen below.  Note the fellows are all barehanded.


  1. lovely painted figures Jon,.. but I would have painted brown/black gloves for the infantry holding their pikes :o)


    1. Thank you, Phil! Good point re gloved hands but see my note above.

    2. point taken Jon! :o)
      I just thought some of your pikemen figures have gloves just to be different within your pike blocks :o)

      all the best,

  2. I like the TAG Renaissance line. I've picked up some nice English for the civil wars, as well as some covanenteers, and these fellows you've painted up look just lovely!

    How do you store guys with such long pikes! I always make mine too short - so they'll fit in the drawers! I have a few GW-LOTR Uruk-hai orcs with rather long pikes upright - I have to lie the stands down in the storage drawer, which I'm not entirely happy about...

    1. Thank you, Tim!

      As for pike length, storage is definitely a consideration. For my ECW collection, I cut the pikes down a bit but for this project left them at 100mm. I will show how I store them when this unit marches out from the painting desk.

  3. Looking good to far. will be impressive once based and 'blocked up'. I've suffered the speared finger treatment while painting up pike before, so sympathy due.

    1. Thank you, Hendrid. These 100mm, sharp pikes pose a hazard, no doubt!

  4. Great looking pikes, I'm ambivalent about gloves, in an ideal world a pikemen would have gloves but especially in this period conditions were not ideal so a mixture from one unit to the other seems reasonable. Btw I'm using that funken book as well, classic!
    Best Iain

    1. Funcken's three volume set for The Age of Chivalry is definitely a classic. Often seen near the painting desk. Some manufacturers make a gloved hand obvious; some not so much. With these, they looked ungloved to me.

  5. Looking forward to seeing how they look when they are based. Lovely figures.

    1. Jim! Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment. Much appreciated! I look forward to seeing them put together too.

  6. That IS a lot of figures and they are looking mighty fine too


    1. Thank you, Ian! That is a lot of figures to paint in one go.

  7. This will be a fine looking unit! Landsknechts look great, but they are a pain to paint! I have enough figures for another 2 units myself. I'll get to them... some day!

    1. Thank you, Peter! We all hope to get our units painted someday, don't we?

  8. That's a lot of pikes squire. They look great. I always think that they must be difficult to put together on a base.

    1. With pikes at a high angle, fitting them onto a base is not too much trouble. I will see soon enough hoe these TAG pikemen rank up!

  9. Looks like a lot of pikes! I'm sure they will look great.


    1. A lot of pikes, for sure! Thank you, Christopher.

  10. Great figures Jonathan, they will look great based up.

    From the contemporary illustrations and woodcuts I have seen of the Italian wars I don't think the pike would have commonly worn gloves unless of course they were wearing gauntlets. Saying that there are very few contemporary images of troops that are not landsknecht, reislaufer or gendarmes.

    The landsknecht and reislaufer don't seem to have worn them in the images I have seen

    1. Oli, thank you for the historical information regarding gloves. Very interesting stuff and much appreciated.
