
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Austrian IR 2/31 for the 1859 Project

Battalion #2 of IR #31 marches off the painting desk.  Like the 1/31 before, these 18 Austrian line infantry are from Lancashire Miniatures' excellent 19th Century range of 15mm figures.
Unlike the Old Glory, Freikorps, and Mirliton Austrian infantry, these Lancashire figures wear the uncovered shako.  All of the other manufacturers' figures don the covered shako such that the shako plate is not visible.
For this evening, Jake is in town on business so an impromptu game is on the docket.  Being out of town all week, myself, "impromptu" is smack on.  I need to pull something together quickly.  What will I set up?  Unknown.  Jake provided a few suggestions but I may have a surprise up my sleeve.  It must be a game that can be set up quickly will little advance preparation.  If nothing materializes in time then a session of Commands & Colors Ancients will fit the bill.  This evening's game will mark the third gaming session in April.  Quite a singular experience for me!


  1. A fine looking unit, and bully for a third game in a month, with stars for doing it while away from home on work assignment!

  2. A very nice looking new regiment Jonathan!


  3. Yet another great looking unit and I actually like that they are all in a uniform pose.
    Best Iain

    1. I like the Lancashire figures very much and the single pose is certainly acceptable.

  4. Fine looking unit with really lovely minis Jonathan! Nice work! Cheers!

  5. I am not sure how many permutations of adulation for outstanding work I can come up with, but add another for these.

  6. Great additions to your Risorgimento collections. How did painting these compare/contrast with OldGlory15s?

    1. I find the painting a little easier than Old Glory. Let me send you a selection of the Lancashire figures and you can judge for yourself!
