
Thursday, March 3, 2016

State of the Painting Desk

While the gaming table remains cluttered and inactive, the painting desk remains active.  Well, the painting desk is cluttered too bad that is SOP!

With Front Rank Vistula lancers waiting for a photo op., on the painting desk are 36 cavalry.  Quite unusual for me to tackle 36 horsemen at one time but with room on the painting block, I put them all into the production line at on time.
The 15/18mm cavalry are nearing completion and consist of a dozen French hussars for 1799 project (foreground), a dozen French Chasseurs d'Afrique for the 1859 project (middle ground), and a dozen Austrian dragoons for the 1799 project (background).  All three groups are from a different manufacturer with French hussars from Eureka, Chasseurs d'Afrique from Old Glory, and the dragoons from AB.  The early French hussars in mirliton are actually Eureka Saxon cavalry.  When finished, each will get its parade review.  For now, I will add that the Eureka hussars are exquisite!

After a long gaming hiatus, looks like a game is on the docket for this weekend.  My plan is to get in a couple games of Commands & Colors: Ancients.  No need to clear the gaming table for this event.  The kitchen table is perfect for laying out the hex mat and deploying the 6mm miniatures out for battle.  Battle under consideration is Pharsalus.  The Society of Ancients' Battle Day features Pharsalus this year, so I figured I ought to give it a run-out as well.


  1. That's a great looking and eclectic mix you have going

    1. Thank you! They will based and added to their respective projects soon.

  2. Not cluttered, just mass production - and they look good so far!

  3. Nice variety of horsemen, Jon!
    My 20 Murawski Uhlans are just starting out on the desk here.

    1. Yes, good variety. I look forward to seeing your uhlans and must find a way to get my Badeners into the painting queue.

  4. Very impressive and fine looking so far! The view gives me a sense of very organized chaos, love it!!! :D Cheers!

  5. They're looking great already, Jonathan. Your collection must be huge - where to you store all of your armies?

    1. Thank you, Dean.

      Huge collection, yes; they are EVERYWHERE!

  6. Great, busy desk, so thats your engine room looking forward to them rolling off the production line!
    Best Iain
