
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Baroque Arrives

As mentioned in an earlier post (see Impetvs Baroque), I set myself up for a pre-order of Impetvs Baroque.  Given the informal nature of the pre-ordering process, I was uncertain whether the process would work.  Well, the process worked!  After receiving a PayPal invoice from Dadi & Piombo, the package containing the rules was deposited in my post box following a two weeks' journey from Italy.  
The booklet is wire bound and comes in at 53 pages.  Baroque is presented in a full color, glossy format with numerous figure photos scattered throughout.  Having played the Basic version several months ago in a replay of the ECW Battle of Southam (see Southam - Impetvs), I am looking forward to digesting the differences between the Basic and Full version.

A pleasant surprise in Baroque is the inclusion of a photo of a 28mm Warlord Games' regiment of foote painted by faithful follower,Christopher (aka axebreaker).  Congratulations Christopher!
A high quality product requiring a closer inspection.


  1. Hmmm . . . still undecided on this one. I like the idea of a 30 Years' War project in 15mm and these rules seem to come close to fitting the bill from what I've read, but I'm not fully convinced they'll give the characteristics I like for the ECW. Purely personal, I know, but I'll probably go down both paths. Now there's logic for you! ;O)

    1. Gary, you could always give the FREE version of Basic Impetvs Baroque a try. After reading through the Basic version, perhaps you will discover it will work for both projects? TYW and ECW projects for you? I have entertained that notion but have restricted myself to only the ECW of the two.

  2. I wish you joy of your purchase Sir!

  3. I keep sniffing around Basic Impetus and its extended family - I still feel I should be more interested than I am...

    I've downloaded just a few of the freebies, to have a look. This glimpse in your post is interesting, too!

    1. The games we have played of Basic Impetvs regardless of era have been great fun. We have seen armies for Punic Wars, Reconquista, Italian Wars, and ECW all out on the table using BI. The games always seem to produce exciting and close contests. The games are never over until they are over either.

  4. Excellent stuff this means mine is on its way I have a pile of lead with its name on it

  5. Oh, I didn't even know Lorenzo used one of my regiments which is very nice!:-) However, the regiment depicted is not Parliamentarians, but in fact is Montrose Irish Brigade a part of the Scots Royalist army and the figures are Bicorne/ Renegade and not Warlord. I'm surprised he mixed that up as I always say who they are and what manufacturer to prevent confusion. I've ordered my copy and with baited breath I'm waiting for it to arrive.:-)


    1. Yes, indeed, Christopher, your regiment is included on display. Too bad about the mislabeling. I have a number of Renegade figures but did not see any I recognized from your photo.

      You will enjoy the presentation of the rules. It is nicely laid out and as a bonus your craft work is included!

  6. Also thanks for pointing mentioning the inclusion of the regiment. Another thing is the regiment is 240mm wide divided into 3 blocks of 80mm x 60mm so hopefully that will work.



    1. My pleasure to point out the inclusion of your work. Kudos to you!

      Your base size will work perfectly.

  7. Yep, mine just arrived too. Thanks for the heads up on this. I've a bit of a rebasing exercise to do before I try them (not because of the rules of course, I was rebasing anyway). They read quite well.

    1. Good luck with the rebasing project. My own ECW collection was rebased once to confirm to a friend's notion of proper basing for a group project. That project went nowhere and my basing is now not exactly how I want them since I much preferred my original basing. Oh Well...

  8. Well, I just took the plunge and ordered a copy. Are you thinking of using your 28mm ECW armies with these rules, or will paint new armies?

    Hey, drop me an email when you get a chance. I switched to a new computer and lost my address book.

    1. Scott, no plan to build another ECW army in another scale. My 32mm ECW figures will do.

      Email on its way to you.

  9. I am interested in a review and perhaps a test game?

    1. Yes, a review is a good idea once I have read through the rules and completed a game or two. Building a QRS is always helpful in getting the mechanisms and processes stuck in my head. Already I have spotted a few intriguing changes. Interested in giving Baroque a run-through?

    2. I am always interested. How does April look?

    3. Now that we have a game under our belt, are you planning a review?

    4. A review is under consideration. It would be good to get another game in first. I plan to read through the rules again after our game and see what we missed. Must look into the flank/rear attack rules.

  10. Nice to see Christopher's work featured, he does nice work. This period is the blackest hole of my wargaming and history ignorance, but I am looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

    1. Michael! Yes, it was very good to see Christopher's excellent work featured in a glossy rulebook. ECW is a Blackhole? Sounds like an opportunity to begin a new period!

  11. Great to see them Jonathan.

    While we have been play testing various drafts and the last one was a print "ready" version I can't wait for my pre-order to arrive.

    To those wavering I would say jump in - we have had many, many great games of Impetus and 5 very good games of Baroque over the last few months.


    1. Richard, it is a nicely laid out presentation. There are a few important changes in this edition.
