
Thursday, February 11, 2016

French Infantry for the 1799 Project

Work on the 1799 project continues as two battalions of French infantry march off from the painting desk.  With these two battalions of 26 figures in total, the French can field 17 battalions of infantry; enough for many of the battles of 1799.
The infantry figures are recent releases by Campaign Game Miniatures in their early French range with AB mounted officers.  Great figures that are comparable in size to AB Miniatures.  Sculpting may not be as crisp as AB but definitely nice figures.
After seeing these figures announced on CGM's website, I immediately knew I wanted to order a few to get a small sample.  I ended up ordering enough figures for two battalions: one battalion in the advancing pose and one battalion in the march attack pose.  I will be adding more, for sure.
Having fielded six guns and two infantry battalions in quick succession for the 1799 project, attention will return to the 1859 project.


  1. Great looking units, very impressive!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Christopher! I see some progress being made in this project. More work to do.

  3. Wow Jonathan. You are really cranking out a ton of figures. These look great, as always.

    1. The painting desk has been busy but a week out of town will slow things down, for sure.

  4. Great painting Jonathan, at first I thought they were 25's!!

  5. Very handsome French infantry, Jon. Premiering soon in Lombardy?

    1. Thanks, Peter. Yes, the goal is to get to an action in Lombardy. Still need to field cavalry for all.

  6. Impressive looking units - lovely!

  7. Lovely work, Jonathan :D Troops wearing the bicorne are the most impressive and yours are outstanding! The flag is very nice too! Cheers!

    1. I like the bicornes too. The second battalion needs a flag but I ran out of printer ink. Its flag is a straggler. Thank you for the kind comment.

  8. Very nice republican troops, can't beat a bicorne they look great
    Best Iain

  9. Excellent work again, Jonathan. The dark blue for the coats are perfect. And like everyone else - those large bicornes are so iconic and cool!

    1. Thank you, Dean! always appreciate your kind comments and their regularity!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks! No matter fast one paints, seems like more unpainted lead takes its place in The Lead Pile. How is your assault on The Lead Pile progressing?

    2. I am currently making a significant dent in the pile of 28mm Chinese that arrived, so I guess " Glacially". - two steps forward and one step back.

    3. Two steps forward and one step back is progress!
