
Saturday, December 26, 2015

State of the Painting Desk

Four different projects are currently seeing progress on the painting desk as 2015 winds down.  Those four projects witnessing action are:
  • 28mm Peninsula War - two French legere skirmishers left out of the earlier deployment of the 4th Legere Regiment
  • 25mm Great Game Project - 24 Sikh infantry
  • 25mm Spanish American War project - two Gatling guns and crew
  • 28mm Reconquista project - four camel troopers. 
Quite a variety but all common to the 25/28mm size.  Will these muster off the painting desk before 2015 takes its last breath?  I think so.

While too early for me to plan and then commit towards plans for 2016 painting goals, my year-end thoughts have been drawn to a notion of attempting to focus painting output on 15/18mm projects.  High on that Wish List sits the 1799 and 1859 projects.  Add in the SYW and Samurai Battles projects and 2016 could be wholly consumed by 15/18mm grist for the painting mill.  Without the 2015 analytics to back up my hypothesis, seems much of 2015 output concentrated on 25/28mm figures.  Was that the situation?  I will confirm in a week or two when the annual painting totals are tallied.

Over the last several weeks, a number of wargaming items have plopped into my mailbox.  Books, games, rules, figures, and supplies are a few of the categories having been deposited.  Likely, at least a few of these will be recounted in coming posts.

Finally, holiday social activities continue tonight with card games (no wargaming fare, though) with friends and family followed by a wargaming session on Sunday.


  1. Quite an eclectic group there, Jonathan. Not surprising knowing how varied your interests are. I hope to get some gaming in in 2016; maybe even some painting :)

    1. Eclectic group, for sure! I do look forward to seeing your painting table busy again in the New Year.

  2. Interested to see how Parker's Gatlings come out.

    1. Me too! Do you have a section of these lads already?

    2. I do, they were the first figs I painted for this era. Also, the only figs that ever one me anything. (Best historical unit at the last Game Faire Spokane hosted.). Excellent sculpts.

    3. That should be "won". Apparently I need less holiday cheer...

  3. Multiple projects, all competing for attention...
    Too many 'shinys' and not enough hours in the day...
    Jumping from one new project to the next...

    All seems perfectly normal to me.

    1. Variety does tend to keep me from getting bored with any one project. Seems perfectly normal to me too!

  4. I sing the Painting Desk Eclectic! :-)

    I must admit I seldom have more than one period in progress on the painting desk at any one time, even though I may well proceed to a unit of different era when the first is done. Your approach is obviously highly effective for you!

    1. "Painting Desk Eclectic." I like that!

      Peter, most often, units are tackled sequentially just as you. When units comprise a few figures, I jump around while to prevent me from watching the paint dry. It is fun to see multiple units hit the Finish line together.

  5. Andrew! Fantastic to hear from you! Hope as is well.

  6. A highly productive Christmas break I'd say - love the Camel Troopers! Was thinking about adding some "kings of the desert" myself for a Napoleon in Egypt project. Will be watching as your project unfolds. Looking forward to your yearly recap!

    1. Still more on tap for the break but completing these figures will likely be the last of the figures in 2015.

  7. I like the choice of decor. "Early Wargamer" I think?

    The Sikhs will be a treat. I have a platoon of the 15th Ludhiana. Will they be in field uniforms or parade?

    1. "Early Wargamer" is exactly right! I definitely fit into that category. The Sikhs will decamp in khaki.

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, John! Since we share a common interest in 1859 (15mm) and Span-Am (25mm), I'm particularly interested to see how those projects fare in 2016.

    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Don!

      As you see from this post, the SAW project pushes ahead with two Gatling guns for close infantry support. I should get this project into a game in 2016.

      Good progress has been made on the 1859 project in 2015 and I continue to see it as a top priority in 2016. Plans will become more clear when I write up my project plans for 2016.

      Than you for stopping by for a visit!
