
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Sikhs for the NWF

After recent deployments of a unit each of Russian hussars and Cossacks, a third unit for the mid-19th Century project moves out from the painting desk in November.  Joining the small side project is a 24 figure battalion of Sikh regulars in their summer dirty whites.  Figures are Wargames Foundry.
Thus far, my piece of the project consists of 11 MUs with two British foot, three Sikh foot, two Russian foot, two Russian horse, and two Russian guns.  A nice little project that is quickly becoming a Russian/Sikh force large enough to make an appearance on the battlefield.
With Kevin planning a colonial game for mid-December, this small force may even make their maiden appearance. 
On the painting desk now are a small handful of 28mm WWII Germans for CoC support teams and 28mm Napoleonics.  At the beginning of the year, I laid out a stretch goal of painting 200 x 28mm Napoleonics in 2015.  Currently my tally stands at 162.  With one month remaining, a strong push could put me within reach of that 200 figure goal.  The problem?  So many other projects are tugging at the paint brush.


  1. They look great, splendid colors!

  2. lovely brush work on your Sikhs Jon, and the photos look great too!

    1. Thanks, Phil! I bought a new camera. Maybe that helps the photography?

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Scott! Maybe you will see them in person on the 19th?

  4. Another great unit Jon. Good luck on the Nappies.

    1. Thank you, Jake! I am torn between forging on ahead with the stuff I want to paint against completing a goal. Luckily the stretch goal is within reach.

  5. Fabulous job. Really great looking regiment.

    1. Simon, you are too kind! Appreciate the comments and the visit.

  6. They look great! The "dip" has worked especially well here to bring out the fine sculpts.

    As much as I love Napoleonics, I'd say paint another unit for this collection and get them into Kevin's game this month!

    1. For me, the dip works wonders and I really like the effect. I am placing a few higher command figures into the painting queue for the Great Game project. The troops already mustered will need a brigadier and his entourage to lead them in battle.

  7. They look great Jonathan! I'm torn between starting a NWF project or Indian Mutiny as both really offer some get looking gaming.


    1. Hi Christopher! You could choose to go down the route on which we are traveling. That is, mid-19th Century on the NWF. That way, you get Indian Mutiny, Sikh Wars, Afghan tribesmen all rolled into one. While my period readings have been contained primarily within the Second Afghan War, the earlier periods have much to offer.

  8. I see you've certainly not slowed down in my absence of visits, Jonathan. These Sikhs are great, but the previous artillery piece is impressive too.

  9. A very fine unit Jonathan. Sikhs are always impressive. The British officer in the quilted jacket is a great sculpt and adds lot of character to the movement. A pity his pose is so static as it doesn't blend in to the forward motion of the other figures. :(

    1. Always appreciate your feedback, Michael! The standing British officer; yes I agree that he is standing while everyone else marches forward. Had I one more Sikh foot slogger, I would have added him in to replace the officer. But, I used what remained of these chaps. I believe enough figures lurk in The Lead Pile to form one more 24 figure battalion of Sikhs but in the Indian Mutiny dress and not that of the Sikh Wars.
