
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Russian Commanders for the Great Game

With regulars, Cossacks, and natives to lead into battle, the fledgling Russian Great Game force requires some leadership.  Having the potential for a NWF game during the Christmas holiday, Russian commanders were lacking and a few good men needed to be pressed into service soon.  To that end, two command stands muster from the painting desk.  Figures are from Wargames Foundry's Crimean War range.

While two, 15mm units of 17th Century Japanese (one Ikko Ikki, one Ashigaru bowmen) are in work, one more unit for the Great Game project awaits in the wings.  Ready to jump onto the painting desk once the Japanese depart is 1 x 24 figure battalion of Sikhs.  Perhaps this native battalion can fall out for service before the game takes place? 

Motivated by my continued reading of Guelzo's, Gettysburg The Last Invasion, I am tackling one of the missing links in the 10mm ACW project.   That missing component is dismounted cavalry.  Fifty or so of these tiny troopers are getting the primer today.  With the inspiration generated by Guelzo and to take a break from the painting desk, thoughts of pulling the 10mm ACW project from storage boxes and arraying them for parade are being entertained.  By the way, thus far, Guelzo's account of the battle is a good one.


  1. Great work Jon. I like how you always have a diversity of projects on the go, yet seem to make steady progress towards all of your goals. I'm looking forward to seeing those Japanese finished - and the Sikhs.

    1. Thank you, Nate! Variety is good and keeps me from getting bored with any one project.

  2. Nice work there. Will they be seeing the table soon?

    1. Thanks! Some of these chaps may see action on the table later in December.

  3. Great looking command bases Jonathan!


  4. Excellent command stands. I like the guy with the chicken on his hat. :)
    I don't know Guelzo's book. Looks tempting.

    1. Michael, I appreciate the kind word. "Chicken on his hat?" That's a good one!

      Guelzo's work is a good one but I am only up to the end of the first day. Very readable. Take a chance on it.

  5. Excellent work. I am interested to see your take on the ikko ikki

    1. Thanks! I will be interested in reading your take on my take!

  6. These command stands are fantastic Jonathan, excellent job!

  7. Last Invasion is a great book and I recomned the audio book version too.

    The Comand stands look 1st rate.

    1. Audio version would be great especially if the author, himself, narrated it. I really enjoy listening to Guelzo lecture.

      Appreciate the comments, Adam.

  8. Great! I really like your clean finish of the figures, they look smart and ready to do "battle" :o)

    1. Always great to get your approval, Phil!
      We will see how these Russians perform soon.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Simon! My hope is to get a couple of games in over the holidays. We will see how that plays out.

  10. Great looking figures, as always.

  11. Those Foundry command figures look great. You may have just inspired me to make a purchase.

    I thought I couldn't learn much more about Gettysburg after reading the three Harry Pfanz books and the Hess one of Picket's Charge, but Guelzo drove home to me just how much of a near run thing it was on July 2...if the Confederate attack had not broken down with Pender....

    1. Mark! Happy to provide a little inspiration!

      Having only just begun the second day in Guelzo, your teaser has inspired me to make more progress in my reading.
