
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Ikko Ikki in 15mm

As alluded to in the prior post, brushwork continues on the 15mm Samurai Battles project.  The second, Japanese unit off the painting desk this week, is a 19 figure stand of Ikko Ikki from Peter Pig.  This unit is made up of a mix of peasant farmers of both armored and unarmored varieties.
Rather than using Dullcote as typical, I have been giving each finished unit in the Samurai Battles project a clear, top coat of satin finish.  To me, the satin finish enhances the look of the lacquered armor.  In the case of the bareheaded Ikko Ikki, it makes their heads shine too!
This is a fun project and good to see action at the painting desk.  Many more bags of Japanese remain to hit the painting table.  Completing these two units motivates me to get this collection out onto the gaming table again.  With the next game employ these forces using Samurai Battles or Impetvs?


  1. I sometimes wish I had done my Samurai in 15mm instead of 28mm! Lovely work and Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Fran! It is never too late to begin.
      Merry Christmas!

  2. Those are some lovely looking Japanese! It's seems your Samurai bug is well and truly on again.Merry Christmas and may your stockings be stuffed with miniatures!


    1. Christopher, for now, the Samurai bug lasts only for these two units. Other stuff on the painting desk. I do hope to return to this project soon.

      Merry Christmas!

  3. Another excellent job...and Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas, Phil!
      Thanks for your ever vigilant support!

  4. They make a great addition to the mix. You are starting to get me itching to paint some more of these for my collection.

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean about the itch. I want to return to this project early in 2016.

  5. You could tempt a chap to start a samurai army old son..

  6. Stunning work on these again, Jonathan. I may have mentioned it before - either here or on another blog - but the poses of the spearmen look very similar to the 1st Corps 28mm range.

    1. Thank you, Dean!

      I had not seen the First Corps' Japanese line before. I have a few First Corps scattered throughout several of my 25mm collections and some of the figures are excellent. I especially like the SYW range.

  7. OOOh, Shiney! :-)
    Nicely done, Jon. I like a semi gloss finish on my own figures.

  8. Oddly enough I just finished watching the 2013 film 47 Ronin. I think I like your figures better than I liked the film. I think the gloss is a wise choice. It's a period one chooses for the look of it, I think.

    1. Michael! Thank you for reinforcing the path chosen. Lacquered armor ought to be a bit shiny. The gloss leads to more vibrant colors on the battlefield. I like that!
