
Thursday, December 31, 2015

French Legere Skirmishers in 28mm

As noted in an earlier post recounting the completion of Battalion 2, 4th Legere Regiment (see 4th Legere Regiment), the first battalion did not carry its complement of two skirmish markers.  That oversight has now been corrected with two more figures for the 28mm Peninsular War project crossing over to the painted pile.  These two, Front Rank skirmishers will be fielded with the French 4th Legere Regiment, Battalion 1.
Also noted in the earlier post referenced above, I exceeded the 2015 goal of painting 200 28mm Napoleonics.  With more 28s in The Lead Pile and a few more handfuls in transit, 2016 will likely see more work on this project but not with the focus of 2015.  Of course, plans for 2016 are yet to be solidified. 

In addition to these skirmishers, three more units make it under the 2015 wire before the calendar turns over to 2016.  Presenting that trio of newly painted units must wait until 2016.  What made it just under the wire?  The last of the Class of 2015 includes 45 x 10mm ACW dismounted cavalry, 24 x 25mm Sikh infantry, and two 25mm SAW Gatling guns and crew.   

Although the clock has not struck midnight on the US West Coast, Happy New Year to all!


  1. Nicely done looking forward to seeing more on your Peninsular project

    1. Thanks, Stephen! There will be more Peninsular War action in 2016 but not likely at the same rate as in 2015.

  2. Very nice Jonathan and Happy New Year!


  3. They look wonderful Jonathan! Happy New Year!

  4. The close up shots show how nicely they are painted.
    Bonne année!

  5. Beautiful poses and paint job Jonathan, Happy New Year!

  6. It's been a pleasure visiting your blog, Jonathan. Always inspiring. Happy 2016!

    1. Dean, it is always a pleasure having you drop by for a visit!

  7. They look full of élan. I love the dynamic loading poses. FR figures almost make me want to take up Napoleonics in this scale. Bien fait, mon ami!

    1. Merci beaucoup, mon ami!

      Front Rank Napoleonics are terrific but a bit thick. The newer FR figures released in Reinforcement packs are the best figures on the market. Perhaps, you ought to give them a try?
