
Saturday, December 5, 2015

BTD German Weapon Teams

After the first game of Chain of Command (CoC), I was motivated to resurrect the languishing 28mm WWII skirmish project and added nearly a dozen and a half figures to the collection (see Another Project Awakens).  Following the second CoC outing over the Thanksgiving holiday, I was energized to tack on a few more figures for the project.  

Today, two German weapons' teams roll off the painting desk to bring even more firepower to the German platoon.  Figures are Black Tree Design.  These and more were snatched up in a recent BTD 40% discount offering.
Posting these figures reminds me that the BatRep from the second CoC game is still undocumented.  For now, back to the painting desk where a number of 28mm Napoleonics await the brush. 


  1. Nice work Jon. Especially the insignia.

  2. They look good; nothing enhances painting output like a game to motivate it!

    1. Quite right! Gaming is a great painting motivator. In my case, the game more often just nudges my output in another direction.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rodger and thank you for stopping in for a look.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Christopher! I await your try with CoC.

  5. Very nice work. A tripod MG is a fearsome beast in CoC. The Allies better have a plan for dealing with it.
    The fellow on the mortar looking up seems worried - has he spotted a Typhoon or two making an attack run?

    1. "A tripod MG is a fearsome beast in CoC. The Allies better have a plan for dealing with it."

      -- I think I'll play Germany!

      The mortar man does look under duress, no doubt!
