
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

2nd Vistula Legion in 28mm

As 2015 winds down to a close, painting effort returns to the 28mm Napoleonics project.  Needing 38 more figures to cross over from The Lead Pile to reach my 2015 Stretch Goal of 200 28mm Napoleonics figures painted for the year, my plan is to tackle this objective before year end.

With that goal in the fore, off the painting desk is a 16 figure battalion of Vistula Legion infantry from Regiment #2.  Also off the desk are two skirmishers for the regiment.  This battalion musters as the second battalion of the regiment.  The first battalion marched off the painting desk earlier in 2015.  At the time of the first battalion's muster, no skirmishers were in hand so skirmishers for both battalions are included in this Vistula Legion tranche.  Figures are Front Rank.  Flags by GMB.   

Both battalions of the 2nd Vistula Legion with their complement of skirmishers are ready for battle.
In work on the painting desk are two sections (two guns) of French horse artillery.


  1. great job. but I think the pommel and cords at the flag should be silver. maybe I'm wrong.

    1. Thank you, Alex! You could be correct regarding the finials. Changing to silver is an easy fix and I appreciate your scrutiny.

    2. I, too, is the same battalion in the work I have been looking for materials. But I'm not sure that I will be able to paint as well as you.

  2. Nicely done Jonathan, nicely done...

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jake! Have you seen this collection out on the table?

    2. Not yet. I have just been admiring it in bits and bobs

    3. We should correct that and get them into a game.

  4. They look fantastic, Jon. These highly motivated troops should fight like tigers!

    I had all 4 regiments of my own Vistula Legion on the table for Semiwitz. We've talked before about the multiple variations inc collar and cuff distinctions cited for the various Regiments of the Legion, so I have no idea what's actually correct for any of the 4 regiments of the Legion (and for what year). IIRC, my sources indicated that the Fusiler companies all had white pom poms in stead of the company colored ones of French units, but that could be wrong too (or even vary by the year, I'd imagine). Regardless, I certainly wouldn't change them.

    1. Appreciate that, Peter!

      You have four regiments of the Vistula Legion? Wow! Quite impressive. I have enough unpainted Vistula Legion infantry to field two more battalions of the stalwart Poles but probably not for awhile.

      Uniform variations (especially Napoleonic) seem to be a constant a bugaboo. I have seen plates with colored pom-poms following French influence as well a plate or two showing white. Which is accurate? I know not! It certainly could be governed by year as you suggest. For now, I will leave them in the French style.

      Always appreciate your comments, Peter!

  5. Your 2nd Vistula Legion painted minis look great Jonathan! I agree with Pete, no need to change a thing, and/or if needed, do any corrections during your own time of leisure! :o)


    1. Glad you approve, Phil! For now I think I will let the tufts lay as they are.

  6. Those look great Jonathan! It looks like your well on your way to reaching your Nap goal.


    1. Thanks, Christopher! I believe I will make that goal.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Rodger! The beautiful Front Rank figures make the task a little easier.

  8. Great job Jonathan! Good luck with reaching your target! Though I guess it shouldn't be too much of a problem with your painting pace!

    1. Thanks, Samuli! Quite right about the painting goal. It is within reach.

  9. Great stuff Jonathan. Nothing says "Gallant and Probably Doomed" quite like an historic Polish unit, and the Vistula Legion certainly had the gallant part in spades. It's nice to see a more vibrant pallette after some of your more drab units like the Cossacks. Your talent really shines with Napoleonics.
    I hope your part of the NW is safe from the rains and flooding.

    1. Michael, you are very kind in your commentary. Having survived a horrific windstorm, now we are being deluged with water. Not as much rain and flooding in Spokane as in Seattle but a lot of rain, nonetheless.
