
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Minden Prussians in 28mm

Remember the arrival of Fife & Drum Kickstarter from nearly two years ago (see Fife & Drum Kickstarter Delivers!)?  Well, a battalion of 32 (!) Prussian musketeers starting from this pile of lead finally made it into the painting queue,

and mustered out as this,

For me, a 32 figure battalion is much larger than I typically care to tackle in 28mm (actually 1/56th) but I was anxious to see how a large battalion might look on my table.  Good, I think!

With rose facings, this battalion takes the field as the 18th Musketeer Regiment, battalion #1.  As seen from the photo of raw lead, I still have work to do.  Enough figures remain to field the second Battalion of the 18th as well as a grenadier battalion.
The Minden's are very handsome figures with crisp detailing.  Ok, really the figures are brilliant!  The realistic proportions yielded more than a few broken bayonets on the slender muskets but acceptable losses.

What are my plans for these fine fellows?  Having a large SYW collection in 18mm already in work, producing enough figures for a SYW project in 28mm is unlikely.  Not impossible, but unlikely.  I am well aware of the twists, turns, and pitfalls leading down that path.

For now, this has been an interesting diversion and prompts me to put a few more of these "orphan" units into the painting queue.  Another possible inclusion into the painting queue is an "orphan" Eureka French Revolutionary War Austrian Fusilier battalion.


  1. Ooh! They are lovely!

    Just the inspiration I needed as I was feeling a shift of interest onto the Seven Years War coming! (Though mine will likely be more focused on the battle for North America)

    1. Thank you, Tim! Happy to provide a little inspiration for your own SYW/FIW project!

  2. Good grief, Jonathan, that's a fantastic piece of work, even by your standards of output! They are very impressive, and your paint style really complement the more formal Minden sculpts. Who did the flag for these chaps?
    Bravo, sir.

    1. You are too kind, Michael! Thirty-two, 28mm figures in one go is lot to tackle. The flag is by GMB. Excellent flag work.

  3. They look awesome, Jon. Some of your best work, even I'd say... and that's saying a lot! Bravo!

  4. Good Heavens! who turned on the light! ;o)
    Your Prussians are certainly look like doing the "goose step" advancing mode....Impressive figures and brush work Jon - marvelous!


    1. Goose-stepping musketeers, for sure! One downside to the Minden figures (if there is a downside) is that they are all in the same pose. For the formal look of the SYW, that rigidity works for me.

      Thanks for your encouragement, Phil!

    2. Actually they are not goose stepping. It is a slow march pace akin to something still used by the British Guards regiments on parade.

    3. This pose always reminded me of the cadenced step as illustrated in many of the old regulation manuals. To me, the pose IS SYW!

  5. They are lovely figures Jonathan, well done with them. Gorgeous.

    I don't own any minden figures but have admired them for a good while now.

    1. Thanks, Paul! The Minden figures are marvelous creations. It might be difficult to not continue building an army of them.

  6. By Jove, Sir - now that really IS the way to do it - they are marvellous. My compliments...

    1. Thirty-two figure battalion is an impressive sight, is it not?
      Thank you!

  7. Wow! That is truly impressive, Jonathan!

  8. That thin blue line is a thing of beauty! Friedrich would be pleased.

    1. I do like the look of a thin blue line! Appreciate your comments!

  9. What a wonderful looking regiment Jonathan! I do aspire to someday have a 28mm SYW army, but like you I see the difficulties that are ahead so I too have let's see what happens approach.


    1. Thank you, Christopher! As noted, I really don't have aspirations for a SYW collection in 28mm but the Minden figures sure are handsome sculpts. I certainly would enjoy seeing you going down this path, though!

  10. Wonderful brushwork Jon. For some reason I really like those figures. :)


    1. Thank you, Jim! I thought you might be partial to the Mindens. Beautiful figures, no doubt.

  11. Stunning figures, Jonathan. These have the classic look.
