
Monday, October 5, 2015

September was a good month...

with respect to painting productivity.
To recap the painting tally for September, painting activities generated 710 Painting Points (PP) of output spread across 112 figures and two guns.  All completed figures were 25mm/28mm in size.  That total is the second largest monthly total to cross my painting desk since I began tracking such in 1995.  Hard to believe I have been tracking this stuff for twenty years!
Now for the unit breakdown:

  • 28mm Napoleonics: 8 French hussars
  • 28mm Great Italian Wars: 10 mounted gendarmes, 2 mounted command, and 6 mounted crossbowmen
  • 28mm Spanish-American War: 30 U.S. Marines
  • 25mm The Great Game: 23 Russian line infantry, 2 guns and crew, and 24 Sikhs

The addition of these figures brings the Painting Points total to slightly over 3,000 PP for 2015.  By averaging 300 PP per month, the 2015 painting goal set back in January of 3,800 PP seems to be within reach.  Three months remain and it might be close.  Working in my favor towards this goal is the seasonal tendency to increase production during the fall.

Another sign of Fall's arrival, I actually have a FtF gaming session on the schedule for Saturday.  It has been far too long since the last outing with the guys.  Saturday I will be driving to Coeur d'Alene for a healthy session of Commands & Colors with Scott.  My 6mm ancients will be making the interstate trip so I expect to see them on the gaming table.


  1. Wow, very impressive Jonathan...waiting for October!

    1. Thanks, Phil but I doubt these numbers are sustainable.

  2. Very impressive again, Jonathan. I really liked the Sikhs.

    1. Dean, I enjoyed the Sikhs too. Perhaps I ought to add some Reconquista Arabs into the mix?

  3. Very nice. Reminds me to update my bought/painted database. I'm a better buyer than organizer.

  4. That's some going Jonathan! Wish I could get them numbers painted!

  5. Impressive painting out put Jonathan!

  6. very impressive work commitment by you Jon, well done!
    Double painting miniatures bet for October? ;o) and I will send you a prize!


    1. Appreciate the enticement, Phil but that is a bet that appears impossible to cash in on.

  7. "ExtremePainting";Jon!

    I may approached these kinds of numbers once or twice when in the last rush for a convention game, or when I painted non stop for several weeks when I was off school in HS or college/med school, but even if I did, not at the same quality. You da man! :-)

    1. Perhaps, if I was retired I could generate these numbers on a regular basis. Until then, September's output was an outlier.

      Of course, the PP tally was aided by sticking to 25mm figures.

  8. Good man. I look forward to seeing them on the table.

    1. I look forward to seeing some of these on the table too!

  9. It sure was a good month! Well done Jonathan!


    1. It was, indeed! October's output may suffer though...

  10. So beautiful miniatures! I saw similar in collection desktop games like Arkham Horror and Memoir 44! You can make money by doing that! I’m keen on desktop gams and can speak about it limitlessly)))

  11. Gosh that's a lot in one month, looking forward to more renaissance units , hope they are in the queue

  12. I've always marveled at how you can achieve quality, quantity and a diversity that few can match. With such long hours at the painting table, shall we describe for you what the sun looks like? ;-)

    1. Very kind of you, Monty!

      I really do not spend that much time at the painting desk.
      As for lacking sun, I am out on the bike usually two hours every day. Lots vitamin D for me!

  13. You're an inspiration to all of us, sir. This AM I was wide awake at 5 and at my painting desk at 5:30 to snatch 45 mins before leaving for work. I complimented myself that it was the sort of thing JF would do.

    1. Michael! That's the spirit!
      I often try to squeeze in 30 minutes or so on work mornings too. Over time, much can be accomplished in these 30-45 minute increments. This morning I flocked the bases on a number of dismounted French dragoons.

      Appreciate your kind thoughts, sir!
